"Footsteps are steady," Tortoise intended. S T E A D
Clapping hands; encore eventually results. N C O R E
Sleep. Longevity essentializes energy production. C H R G E
. . . . for not bringing YOU a lovely bouquet of red flowers?
Tarzan's heritage is not Gorilla. Occasionally, people prematurely submit something. I T H P N
Humans adjust - but in treads. S T E P S
All lifeforms insist enough nutrients. M I C R O
Praises up, singing "holy". P R A I S
Man with the Gun
With heat inflates salted kernels. P O P P P
Moving on takes impassioned valor. V A L O R
Figures, outlines, real material shapes. S Y N Y M
Closed umbrellas let torrents unshackle. P O U R S
Then I'd rest. Exhaustion's debilitating. E N E R G
Season You Again - Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth
All Brine Myself - Eric Carmen
Do overs often disregard lessons. L E A R N
Slow Cooker Hands - Niall Horan
Nice To Meet Yam - Niall Horan
Hit Me With Your Best Pot Roast - Pat Benatar
Over the Rainbow Carrots - "IZ"
Tanks are stripping the economy. G A S A G
I thought it might be fun to apply this to Nursery rhymes: *Not child nor parent-approved. Yet.** Sprinkle, Sprinkle, Lemon Bar (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) * Cotton-Eyed Sloppy Joe (Cotton-Eyed Joe) * A Biscuit, A Tasket (A Tisket, A Tasket) * How Much Is That Hotdog On the Roller? * or How Much Is That Hoagie In the…
Bound into today. Ta-ra, yesterday!! C I A O S
Glade regularly emits aromatherapy treatment. S N I F F
Glade reduces odoriferous smells....sometimes. G L A D E
What vegetables are you growing?
Cake On Meat - A-ha