Mix with peanut butter and it goes great with apples- get fage and you can use it to replace sour cream- blue berries and honey sweeten it a bit.
Cheddar cheese- like a fermented orange chalk- bacon (agreed) like ham with fat taped onto it- donuts (the bagel was put to an oily death) - nuts (unless in butter form- and pistachios are ok)
Shredded wheat-nutty- little sugar- only cereal in diet and awesome after work out or long day. Get the big biscuit kind- I think it’s more flavorful
Zucchini bread- steak- mushrooms stuffed with stuffed potatoes- with cream cheese
But everything in bulk if you can- makes it less expensive- not Uber cheap, but better than buying the stuff at Lunardis or something.
I bue tuna at costco and just mix it up with eggs, oats, and whatever vegetable on hand. Fry them up in a pan and they come out like tuna nuggets (and some spices might make them taste less fishy). A few of them will be about 100. I also eat fage 0% mixed in with a bit of peanut butter- it’s more than a 100 calories buts…
Ok made diary public. I’m 19 at 5’2. Im trying the fiber thing- but woke up today feeling sick again after I ate. Looking back at the stomachs aches they tend to come after meals with dairy- which is almost all of them for me. So I’m thinking about cutting it out for a week or so and seeing.
I do eat more fiber when I track so I’ll try that. Thanks!
Btw they aren’t stomachs pains- and I don’t get dizzy- just nausea