moonangel12 Member


  • Definitely check with a doctor... a couple years ago, at the ripe old age of 34, I narrowly missed colon cancer - had a large and agressive growth. The doctor said it likely would have been less than a year before the cells changed over, we caught it just in time. The PA was dismissive of my symptoms because of my age, but…
  • My friend’s husband brought it home from work. Got tested a week ago, confirmed early in the week. Her and their 3 children didn’t bother going for a test knowing what the results would be (all had similar yet still unique progression of symptoms). She gets a call from the health dept today for contact tracing (a WEEK…
  • We have had a pulse oximeter at home for over 7 years now - my youngest was on oxygen the first year of his life. When we were sick with whatever crud we had late winter (likely Covid based on synptoms) and out of habit I kept a check on the kiddos oxygen levels (oddly enough, not my own even though I was literally gasping…
  • That’s what I was thinking - verification purposes because people would take advantage of it...
  • You probably know all the details for salicylate foods, but my daughter is super sensitive and we had huge success with the Feingold Diet for figuring out her triggers.
  • I had to cut out a laundry list of food items years ago when my severely food allergic (and exclusively breastfed) daughter was diagnosed. At that same time I was being tested for MS, textbook symptoms. Started feeling better with the strict diet, but as soon as I ate bread I tanked (I LOVED bread... I ground my own wheat,…
  • Oral Allergy Syndrome. I have it, diagnosed by an allergist. I get the raw burning mouth and hives behind my ears and along my jaw line from many of those foods (cantaloupe and pecans are two others). The hives were concerning enough for him to prescribe an epi pen, just in case. It’s not a food allergy in the traditional…
  • I know at 4’11 you don’t have much wiggle room with the minimum 1200 women are supposed to have, but what rate of loss do you have entered in and do you eat back any exercise calories?
  • This was my mom’s first year getting the senior dose and she said she was fine afterwards! She was shocked at the difference! This is after several years in a row of icky side effects (including the one year where she battled cellulitis for weeks - it spread nearly to her wrist before it finally stopped!)
  • Thank you for all the ideas and suggestions!
  • The quinoa suggestion triggered the thought of the little Aussie Bite things at Costco that are different seeds and things - need to double check/verify protein content (I saw one thing that said 2g per cookie). Picked up some jerky/steak bites tonight, label looked OK but sometimes there are “spices” that she reacts to🤞…
  • She loves to be in the kitchen, so her helping would be a fun option for her. What would be a good protein powder to try? One that would appeal to kid tastes... probably a vanilla for more versatility. She does like roasted chickpeas, but not in huge amounts. I am thinking an oat/seed bar with protein powder would probably…
  • That’s true! Hadn’t thought about that... thanks brain fog 😂 I’ll have to research some options.
  • Circling back - double checked my settings on both Garmin and MFP, disconnected and reset everything, on WiFi, etc. Still same results 🤷🏻‍♀️ so guess I just need to forget about using my Garmin for accurate calorie adjustments. Oh well... 4 mile walk with friends this morning and an afternoon on my feet fishing with the…
  • Mentioned earlier that I can no longer tolerate chocolate (migraines) - found these at Aldi this week! Yay! I am not a coffe connoisseur but enjoy a little here and there, and my children like it as well. Yesterday I surprised them with some for breakfast! 2 decafs, one dandelion root tea with creamer (one daughter can’t…
  • I froze last winter!! But summer was miserable as well... my overall temp regulation is terrible in general (likely part of my autoimmune issues). I tend to run low... and hormones can definitely play a role. Fertility can somewhat be predicted by body temp - one time I was newly pregnant and checked my temp because I was…
  • What an accomplishment!! Congratulations!!
  • It might have been something with the lack of service even though I synched up after being home and on WiFi... this is today’s which is 7600 steps including a family game of ultimate frisbee (that I didn’t specifically log but it auto logged for a “walk” it looks like).
  • Yep - there was biking (that I didn’t log, but it picked up on it based on the icon), hiking, and 16k steps overall. Might explain why I’ve been hungrier 😂 but can’t gauge by weight loss because I have been more likely to cave to the extras since I was so hungry. Slightly frustrating, but I feel better knowing that there…
  • This is what it is showing for yesterday
  • I haven’t compared because I don’t follow the calculation differences and MFP has worked well enough for the past year... this is what Garmin is showing. How did I only have 21 active? It even registered our biking that I didn’t officially log. Weird.
  • That’s what automatically logged 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • I chew gum when I feel unnecessarily snacky. Some days I go through a LOT of gum, other days I don’t touch it. Just finished a bowl of cereal at 3:30 in the afternoon because I knew I was legit hungry and blood sugar was getting too low. Not a time to try and push through with gum. BUT, I let myself get overly hungry/low…
  • Have you ever injured the smaller leg? My husband tore his ACL, MCL, and meniscus in college - 15+ years later and there is still a significant size difference between the two legs (he doesn’t actively workout so I can’t say that lifting would eventually even them out or not).
  • It appears to be an obvious fact that your goals for yourself are different than what he is wanting you to focus on, and his schedule isn’t meshing well with yours. Black and white, not an emotional decision by any means. Explain those and let him know you won’t be continuing.
  • There are options for white chocolate, but some of my faves (Godiva bars, Chick Fil A’s seasonal shake, Andes Mints (not seasonal), etc.) will be a no go this year. Going to be stocking up on Hershey’s candy cane kisses! I’ll have to keep an eye out for the ghosts! One of these was dessert tonight - YUM! I am of the group…
  • I am excited about all the white chocolate goodies coming out - peanut M&Ms, snickers, Reese’s, etc. I tried them a while back, wasn’t a fan, but then regular chocolate became a major migraine trigger! Now, being the chocolate junkie that I am, I am quite thankful for them and hope they stick around! It’s no where near the…
  • For me I had to log in via a web browser (even on a phone) because the app doesn’t give the option to change that setting.
  • Congrats on taking the first big step! It’s SO worth it! Beat tip I learned early on is to get a food scale for accurate logging... there are several threads showing why and some tips and tricks to make it work for you. Cruise the boards and you’ll find lots of useful info to help you along! Welcome!
  • I run in the dark often in winter months, and even year round (had a couple late night runs this summer). I have a chest light that also has a red triangle light on the back. I like it better than a head lamp because I can look around without the light going every which way (I feel bad if I hear a noise, glance over, only…