mbinaz2019 Member


  • Walking is still good exercise, it gets you moving, works your legs, and is aerobic, so it helps your heart. Many people can't do strenuous exercise, so anything is good. I'm 72 and try to do 30 minutes of low impact cardio, mostly walking based workouts a few times a week. I also do resistance retraining to strengthen…
  • Pool walking burns calories because you're getting resistance from the water. If you want to exercise without leaving the house, check Youtube videos for seated exercises - there are dozens of them. You can burn calories and tone muscles without walking. Everything I've read states that weight loss is 80% what you eat and…
  • I make smoothies with 1 cup Fage 0% fat free plain Greek yogurt, 1 medium frozen banana, 1 cup blueberries or strawberries (or other fruit). I use water to thin it down if necessary. I like it really thick, like a milkshake. I freeze overripe bananas, they're sweeter and the smoothie usually doesn't need sweetener. But you…
    in Smoothies Comment by mbinaz2019 June 29
  • I'm glad to know it's not just me. I use Firefox, and I prefer to use the web version rather than the app. It's been really frustrating, since it works on Firefox sometimes, and not at other times. I guess I'll have to switch browsers until this gets fixed.
  • I make oatmeal in the microwave. 1/2 cup Old Fashioned Oats, 1 cup unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, 2 TBSP PBFit or PB2 (for a little protein), 2 TBSP ground flax meal, sweetener of choice. Sometimes I add a sliced banana, or 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, or 1/2 cup pumpkin puree. Depending on what fruit I use, I add…
    in Breakfast Comment by mbinaz2019 June 2
  • When is your cruise? If it's a couple of months off, how much different do you think your body will look? Don't just consider your weight, but how your body has already changed. I'm 5'2" tall, and have worn the same size clothes even after losing 20 pounds. It all depends on where you lose weight. Cruises are casual, and…
  • I just found this group, it doesn't seem to have much activity. I've been on MFP for a while - former WWer and Sparkpeople user. Left WW because their tracking didn't meet my nutritional needs - I need to be more specific about nutrients than points. I'm still sad that Sparkpeople closed down, but at least the recipes are…
  • You can substitute zucchini noodles made with a vegetable spiralizer for spaghetti. Or, try spaghetti squash. One thing to remember with a restrictive diet like keto, is that if you decide to stop and go back to a more balanced diet, the weight is likely to come back on. I did Atkins a number of years ago, and lost weight…
  • The Mediterranean diet is not the same as Keto. It includes fruits, whole grains, beans and dairy as well as nuts, seeds, olive oil. It is not a high-fat diet like Keto. I did Keto a number of years ago, and once I went back to eating a more balanced diet, the weight came back. And, I wasn't eating lots of sugar or white…
  • I'm 71 and have had high cholesterol for some time. Diet & exercise helps, but I still need to take a statin. For some people, reducing your carbohydrate intake can help with lowering cholesterol. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it worked for me. I still take a statin, but only 1/2 the dose I started out with, and my…
  • You can find low carb recipes on Allrecipes.com. https://www.allrecipes.com/search?q=low+carb You'll have to scroll through to find the vegetarian ones. or use the filters to select Vegetarian, and sort through to find the low carb ones. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/87/everyday-cooking/vegetarian/ Skinnytaste.com…
  • I haven't given up snacks, but I plan for them. Portion control is key. Read the nutrition label, and measure/weigh out 1 single portion. Put that single portion on a plate, or in a container, and eat just that amount. If you're bored, find something to do. If you're stressed, try taking a quick walk just to get away from…
  • 1 TBSP olive oil has 14 grams of fat, but only 2 grams of saturated fat. 1 TBSP Canola oil also has 14 grams of fat, but only 1 gram of saturated fat - essentially negligible amounts. 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces) of Atlantic salmon has 6 grams total fat, 1 gram saturated fat. Again, a negligible amount. I got the info from…
  • If you eat the same breakfast frequently, create it as a meal. I often have eggs, toast, butter for breakfast, so I created a meal for it. I also eat different varieties of oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, so I created meals for them. You can do the same thing for any frequently eaten meal or snack.
  • I'm retired, and don't have access to a gym. I work out at home with YouTube videos - cardio, yoga strength, Pilates. I use resistance bands and hand weights for strength training. I rotate workouts depending on my schedule and how I feel that day.
  • Peanut butter, nuts, low- or no-fat cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt are all sources of protein with healthy (not satutated) or low/no fats. You can replace sour cream with Greek yogurt. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts and fish are good. Salmon is a fatty fish, but it is healthy fat. There are margarines that have…
  • You might want to take a look at how much sodium you're consuming. Too much salt can make you retain water weight and keep you from losing. You can change your settings to include sodium so you can see how much you're getting in each food or meal you enter. There's hidden sodium in many foods, especially fast food, snacks,…
  • I'm old enough to remember "back in the day." There were fat and thin people, but with the lack of the internet, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., people weren't sharing everything about themselves. TV programs showed mostly thin, attractive people, except for characters like Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith show. She was…
  • I haven't found a protein powder that I like, but I make oatmeal in the morning and add 2 TBS powdered peanut butter (PBFit or PB2) which adds 8 grams protein, and 2 TBSP ground flax meal for an additional 3 grams of protein. If you make it with 1 cup skim milk, you get 8 more grams of protein. Or, have a cup of plain…
  • Google low-carb recipes. There are lots of sites with info. On the sites below, search for low carb. https://www.allrecipes.com/ https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/ https://www.simplyrecipes.com/ https://www.delish.com/
  • I agree, and I wish MFP would include the option for adding the directions to the recipes. I have a lot of recipes that are handwritten or from cookbooks and don't come from other websites, so I can't import them into the website. I can enter the ingredients in MFP and get the nutrition info, but I still have to look…
  • Some of the larger recipe websites have filters or search features so you can choose the type of recipes you want to see. Allrecipes - you can search for vegan recipes https://www.allrecipes.com/search?q=vegan Sparkpeople Recipes - also can search for vegan recipes https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/ Under the Nutritional…
  • Sparkrecipes (formerly part of Sparkpeople.com) has a lot of recipes with nutritional info. You can choose what type of recipes you're looking for. It's one of the most comprehensive recipe databases I've ever found. https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/ Peopleonehealth.com also has some of the Sparkrecipes - the company was…
  • Have you tried searching online for cellucor protein or whey protein recipes?
  • If you just want to cut back on sodium, start with your salt shaker. Taste your food before you put salt on it. Most processed/convenience foods are high in sodium, so try cutting back on how often you eat them. Read nutrition labels to look for sodium, it's in most foods. So look for products with lower sodium. Restaurant…
  • I was just diagnosed with NAFLD, at age 70. My doctor told me no sugar, no white flour, no dairy except for non-fat, only very lean meat, fish, no skin on chicken or turkey. NAFLD happens when the body can't process sugar and fats properly. He recommended only olive oil, canola oil - no coconut or palm oils, no margarine…