itsallgood11 Member


  • I was looking up BMR to see how many calories I burn without doing anything and need just to maintain and then looking at how the amount of calories needed changes with the activity level setting on the BMR calculator. MFP also asks what activity level is but doesn’t explain what “lightly active” or the other definitions…
  • Just a few pounds.
  • I’m starting to become more of a volume eater. I’ve struggled with an eating disorder in the past and now that I’m not so restrictive I really enjoy getting to eat a lot of food that I don’t have to feel bad about, but I still struggle with getting to a point where I feel full, being both very active and vegetarian. I…
  • I eat low carb, medium protein, and probably medium to high fat. I always end up eating too many nuts
  • Trying to slim thighs but gain muscle in glutes. Usually I eat around 1000-1200 calories a day
  • It says 1850 to maintain, 1350 to lose 1lb/week
  • After I click that I’m done logging, it tells me how much I would weigh in a certain amount of weeks if I stuck with the same calories/foods