suzij27 Member


  • I completely agree! But I have had a hard time finding walking shoes the last few years in major retailers. And the only store devoted to walking in my metroplex closed during the pandemic. Understanding your foot and stride can narrow down what you should order if you do have to place your order online.
  • You may also want to try inserts even with new shoes. When my mileage increased to 5-6 miles 6 days a week, my feet started bothering me. What you may also find is that you need a larger size. I always thought that a running store wasn’t for walkers. The store near me said that at least 30% of their clients are walkers…
  • Way to go! I’m glad that you found the dedication to meet your goal. That must feel great. I find that when I look at a full view in the mirror it is much harder to see the changes than when I see myself in photos. And I can definitely see the change more when I am wearing clothes than naked. Having been up and down the…
  • I see a big change. Way to go!
  • Many libraries will accept donations of games and puzzles.
  • Lettuce or greens of choice, chicken, diced carrots, cucumber, red peppers, onion, sugar snap peas, tomatoes and whatever dressing I’m in the mood for. The key for me is everything cut small (diced) so I get some of everything in each bite.
  • Keeping my commitment to myself to ride the indoor bike at the gym first before walking with a friend. A few weeks ago I made a schedule for riding the bike and strength training. But if I do a long walk before hand, I don’t have good energy to push myself on the bike.
  • I find this method works for me too. I get rid of a bunch of clothing but hold onto things I “might” wear. Or books I want to read but haven’t yet. I then go through it again a year later and find more to let go of. Layers. Some people are able to go through their excess things and let them go. I am not one of them. But…
  • Sunflower seeds. A 16 Oz package of them shelled is $2.29 at Trader Joe’s vs almonds at $6.99 (I think). Healthy fats. I bring the bag home and measure out 1 Oz portions into snack size baggies but you could use plastic reusable containers. I don’t know where you live and what stores you have access to… but some things are…
  • One of our kitchen drawers was sticking, so My husband needed to take it out to fix it. This made me have to clear off that counter which always seems to revert to being a mail drop area. He then emptied the drawer itself, cleaned the sliders, and then reloaded the necessary items. I was able to discard or relocate a bunch…
  • I love these! I use to binge on them so won’t buy them anymore. I really can’t have them in the house. Enjoy them for me! 😋
  • Way to go! You deserve to be proud.
  • This is a tough one. You may be right. He might be jealous or resentful. Or as said above, he may avoid the topic with you because he may be afraid you’ll want him to change. I know you would like acknowledgement from your partner, but he may not be able to at this time or ever. Can you live with that? And I know you are…
  • At my annual physical in December, I asked my doctor to test my iron levels since it was low when I went to donate blood a couple of times. I was also feeling tired a lot of the time. She also tested my vitamin D. When the bloodwork came back the iron was fine but my D was at the low end of normal. My doctor wanted to…
  • I am in the U.S., so these ideas may not work in Germany but they are worth investigating. They are places that accept donations but aren’t a general place like the Salvation Army or Goodwill. 1. A church in your area may have a clothing room for people down on their luck or who are starting over due to a fire or other…
  • Your perseverance and dedication are an inspiration. You have a lot to be proud of. What a transformation!
  • What an awesome story. Keep taking care of yourself.
  • Way to go! Your body must be feeling so much better now that you are moving it more and carrying 100 lbs less. I’m curious about what you are doing now. Are you incorporating more movement throughout your day or just doing one long walk/exercise session? i.e. Are you getting up from your desk every hour and walking a lap…
  • Rising prices on consumer goods. 1. Inflation has hit and is rising after many years of no inflation, or extremely low rates. 2. Some industries supply chains are still impacted by the pandemic. Not food as much as other goods, but over the past few months there have been articles on glass bottles, plastic containers and…
  • I heard a discussion of this method on The Diet Doctor podcast. I believe it was episode #2, but it might have been #12. It was discussed as a means to cure those with severe metabolic disorders such as you are describing. Longtimers on MFP seem to only support CICO, which perhaps is what you are suggesting doing, just on…
  • Thank you so much for putting into writing the insights you have gained. I think that stop stopping, there is no end date and stop listening to most people resonate the most with me. I am learning to trust myself and listen to satiety cues. One to add. I have had to stop using food for entertainment, recreation, escape or…
  • I can sure see the difference and I’m glad you can too! Be patient. What you are doing is working.
  • Way to go! Consistency and patience are key.
  • To fit in a really cute pair of flowery capri workout leggings I own. I ordered the right size but this brand evidently ri s small. Especially with it getting hotter, I need more options for cooler workout attire.
  • Prior to the pandemic, we ate out 2-3 times per week, usually dinners, but sometimes a lunch. I would also meet friends for breakfast about once a month. Once restaurants closed I decided to try at least 2 new recipes per week to meet some of the cravings for variety. It was also during this period that my husband wanted…
  • I’m just going to throw this out there. You do not have to go to the weight loss center if it isn’t helpful for you. It was something your doctor strongly recommended but I’m assuming the bottom line recommendation was to lose weight. There are lots of ways to do that. Many people need a program for the information and…
  • Since you want a suggestion... Personally I would go for a protein and vegetables, like a salad with chicken or a stir fry. You might also need a grain too like rice or pasta. Or a couple bowls of a hearty homemade soup. Definitely not a caffeine drink or just water. You are depleted. When I am feeling that way I know I…
  • My goal is the top weight of the normal BMI. I don’t think I’ve weighed that since sometime in High School. I’ll reevaluate when I get there. I super focused on maintaining a healthy weight and not sabotaging myself. I have maintained at many weights over the years, but the lowest I maintained was probably 50 lbs above the…
  • today i tried on a size large rain jacket and was able to zip it up, no problem. It is meant to fit loose, but the fact i could zip it over my boobs for amazing! To put in context, my last rain jacket was a 1X.