Lila_Gray Member


  • I tried it for a couple months but stopped because it didn't seem like it was doing anything. I am not sure what I was expecting. I tried vitex like a month after myo-inositol. Vitex, I believe, can cause weight gain. So I just quit them both at the same time. It saved me some money. I've decided to try to lose weight…
  • Age: 37 SW: 213.6 CW: 213.6 GW: 140 (I will take somewhere in the 160-170, though, for now!) My weight has yo-yo'd most of my adult life between 119-205 (and now my highest CW of 213). I am ready to get serious about weight loss because I only have a few years left before I decide to say "enough" on trying for baby #2. I…