jakersneed1770 Member


  • Buying a food scale. Thanks all!!!
  • It’s unfortunately hard for me to weigh everything because my mother and father usually cook for me (thanks parents!!!), but I get the packaging information and calories with them and put them into the app.
  • ALSO, how the hell am I GAINING at 1200 a day?! Wtf!!
  • Thanks. After reading through the comments it seems I have a borderline eating disorder. I think most of it is due to losing 40 pounds and putting it on, and now I’ve convinced myself a few pounds could be the difference in my appearance. I suppose my doctor had a valid reason to be concerned, however I think his advice…
  • Thanks! I’m more concerned with how I look in clothes. I’m more confused because at my weight I fit into small clothing, which my friends say is just strange for someone at my weight. I think 150 would be a good spot for me. Any lower than that and I might snap. While the weight loss has been great overall I really want to…
  • Thanks for all the comments! My doctor is 5’5 200 pounds. So I’m starting to think he is a bit bias. I’m seeing a nutritionist on Monday (next week) to get some advice. I’m not too concerned with the loose skin. It doesn’t actually bother me at all honestly... shocking I know. I think I look great in clothing which is what…
  • Thank you for the kind words.. I figured I may as well upload a clothing photo. My mother is saying my frame is too “small”... Not sure what to make of it. Before: After: (gotta flex the fake muscles!!!) Thanks all.
  • Thanks all. Appreciate the kind words! I will try to get down to 150 and call it there. I’m very happy at my current weight but could for sure use some toning and what not. I’m going to see about talking to a dietician to get some second opinions. Appreciate how kind everyone on this forum is, was expecting to get bashed…
  • Here are photos of me before and after. 288 160 ish (i think i took it at 166) Thanks.
  • Thanks for all the replies. I’m not scared of maintenance more so I’m afraid that at 2000 I will gain. When losing I was eating around 1200 to 1400 and losing around a pound or so a week. I haven’t done a proper body fat percentage test. I guess I should look into that... I will be trying to get a second opinion I’m…