Read the nutrition facts for Whoppers. Terribly unhealthy
Great work! Thank you for this. I am going to bookmark it and read it at least once a week. Very helpful.
You got this, great work!
Eating at least 25mg of fiber (both kinds) every day. Eating water-dense vs calorie dense foods. and meeting at least my minimum water requirement.
Maybe check a calorie calculator to see if your intake is too high for you. I use calculator and stick to a middle number between the lose weight and lose weight fast. Or just see a dietician who can help you set up a plan right for you. Good luck
One thing I've learned is to eat water dense foods instead of calorie dense. An example would be grapes rather than raisins. You can eat more for less calories. Hope this helps a bit
Wow! Great job!
I did not.
Awesome job!
I use the calorie calculator, which is based on my height, weight, and age, to calculate my personal deficit. It shows calories needed to just maintain, calories needed to lose weight. I stay around/under the calories needed to lose weight. Works for me, hope this helps.
I bought a HealthOMeter digital for under $20 and it is on the mark with my doctor's scale. Haven't had any problems with it.
I don't know what a stone is, but i'd like to be in on this. I need accountability partners