crenmckin Member


  • yes x3 busy Friday and glad for the weekend
  • Yes to all 3 and I did not want to exercise at all, not even a little. Weather? Stress of the world? Something else? Massive cluster headache. I figured it's going to hurt whether I do this or not so let me just get it over with so I don't have to use a pass day. It's still there, but for a little bit I worked through it…
  • Taking a pass. Calories under budget. Didn't drink enough water today. Exercise was completely derailed by the embarrassing and sad events in DC today. Choices, I know. I just can't today.
  • I started the day torturing myself with yoga. I guess that means I should continue to do so and maybe I will get better at it. Food was eh. I have a love/hate...mostly indifferent relationship with food. In place of lunch I had unhealthy snacks today. Dinner was yummy chilly weather food. I ended up 5 over, but... The 40…
  • Yes, yes, and yes! First day back at work so I am SUPER excited that I am close to my step goal. The day is not over so it's still likely!
  • Not by much still counts!
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yeppers! Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Well??? Sort of yes, but really no. I went over budget but I moved enough today that my activity countered the overage so...Yeah, no. No, I did not stay within my calorie budget for the day. Did I keep track of everything I…
  • What's on my mind? It took WAY too long for me to find my way back to groups. Geesh. I'm also going back to work tomorrow after a week plus off. Back to work really means dressing nicer than yoga pants and a sweatshirt before I walk down the hall in the morning so it's not a huge deal. I don't want to get caught up in what…
  • Exercise? Yes. Calories tracked? Yes Under calorie goal? Yes Pass days used: 0 I woke up to our first Roomba poopocalypse and got to clean the carpets in my office this morning! Hey, added steps and a great way to lightly exercise on a chilly wet morning. My office carpets are now cleaned, so bonus! Yes, I'm trying to find…
  • My first month! I'm seeking intentional health this year and I find that logging everything helps me. Unfortunately, I sometimes need to be held accountable for that. Happy New Year!
  • To not feel my age! Move more, stay active, and do more of what I enjoy!
  • Did anyone else click this group with a frowny face? It's not possible that we are really middle age is it? I mean, I can bust a move with the best of them and I'm totally rad at parties. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hi! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I'm desperate to maintain mobility and stay healthy. I've got my RA under control and I'm ready to take on the world.…