fnarrrrrr Member


  • @merph518 you look super proud and happy in your picture, well done!
  • Here to share my recipe invention of the week! A while ago I made the Swedish cream sauce from this recipe to go with some shop bought vegan meatballs https://www.thevegspace.co.uk/recipe-gronsaksbullar-swedish-vegan-meatballs/ I made double the sauce and froze half for later. I also used tablespoons of wholegrain mustard…
  • I use lemon juice, smoked salt and dried parsley as a quick dressing for salad or steamed green vegetables. Sometimes I add nori flakes (seaweed) to the above it gives a depth of flavour . Sometimes I add pickled vegetables in a salad and a bit of extra pickle juice as dressing. Hope this helps someone! I am also trying to…
  • Thanks satisfied! I have achieved a lot already this year and am in a happy place generally so it feels a good time to make positive changes for my health
  • Hello, I hope I can join you. Long into sorry! I am 28, have always been large and have lost weight in the past through changes to eating habits and exercise, but never had a plan for maintenance so it has gone back on after a couple of years. I am now the largest I have ever been after a knee injury 4 years ago stopped me…
  • You are all doing great, you can only try your best SW 05/11 299.2 CW 11/11 290.3 Went out for dinner at the weekend and leaving delicious risotto unfinished on the plate was a new and strange experience !
  • Hey, vegan more than 6 years here, I stopped counting! Feel free to add me Homemade ratatouille is my favourite lunch at the moment, feels more substantial than soup! Does anyone know if it’s possible to share your recipes on here? That would be cool
  • Hello, fellow vegan here. Please please make sure you take a good quality multivitamin which includes all the b vitamins! It doesn’t get absorbed 100% efficiently but it will give you a baseline on which you can build with fruit, veg and fortified foods. Then find your perfect lentil daal recipe and treasure it always
  • Hello, I would like to join you please, I am starting with MFP for the first time. SW 299.2 (eek!) GW 180 Vegan My motivation is planning to start a family sometime after our wedding next year, I need to be much more healthy. I am in awe of those of you with children who find time to workout, you are superheroes! Goals for…