Wow! Thank you so much for such an insightful and kind reply! I'll definitely be implimenting some of these tips!
You deserve a support system made up of professionals who truly understand both the social and biological factors at work! You deserve a support system that will help you find a comfortable, healthy relationship to food! You deserve a support system that will help you get active in ways that make you feel great in your…
I also have a long road to getting healthier and working on my relationship with food. Sending a request now! (Also, your makeup is fabulous!)
Awe, he'll love that! He even has a huge assortment of wacky button up shirts like Graham! (And he's good in the kitchen)
I just turned 40! I'm here to feel lighter on my heels and fitter when I dance! Add me if your goals are mostly of the non-scale variety too!
Setting boundaries, especially as they relate to my experiences with disordered eating within my previous "diet" experiences, is a great step to finding a healthy way to lose a few pounds without also sacrificing my own mental health.
I have a ton of Unique Vintage dresses! Even my wedding dress!
Here's a link to a recent essay that I find mirrors my viewpoint well:
I don't think before and after photos are all that motivating as they assign value to one body shape over another... so here I am, today (ok last weekend), in a dress I quite like. *Pardon my sad dirt lawn 🏚