10 years ago I lost almost 100 Lbs ...I managed to keep the weight off for 5+ years and then when my best friend and 2 year later my mom passed away, I put more than half of it back on. As I have been working through the grief I've also come to understand more about the pattern of bingeing and restricting that I'd relied…
In the past I haven't always been very kind to my body and that type of thinking has definitely been to blame for a lot of my yoyo-ing weight. So, this time around, I'm trying to keep in mind that I'm doing this to show myself love! So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for this body at this size. I am thankful to age as…
I'm here because I'd like to feel a little lighter on my heels and fitter when I dance. I just turned 40 and have noticed the scale creeping up and my feet aching. I'd like to find a supportive little group of like-minded people looking to make some healthier choices while also avoiding Diet Culture (and ED) pitfalls like:…