rosegreen12 Member


  • I'm 5'7.5", 177 lbs, medium frame, 44-36-45 (I don't remember what I was at my thinnest since that was 30 yrs ago, but I remember I was 127 lbs and looked anorexic). I know that I felt my best in 1998 at 160 lbs. so that's goal, but I won't mind going on down to 155 lbs. I want to stay huggable for my grandchildren and I…
  • :* We'll call it a recovery day for me, too.
  • For me, low carb (while counting calories) really helps, plus fat for me is satiating, Too many carbs and I hold too much water and feel just plain heavy/slow. I've lost 43 lbs this way since last Jan. and at 63, that's not too bad. My daughter's doing keto and it works quite well, however it's really hard!
  • I'm 63 (post-menopause and post-hysterectomy). I've lost 43 lbs so far, since Jan. 22 this year. Just have 17 to go. Yeah it's slower, but lifting weights (for me lifting my two toddler grandchildren much of the day while their mother works) and aerobic exercise a few days a week (for me straightening my poor daughter's…