natsunekko Member


  • Jan 30 - 232.5. Jan loss 6.5 lbs Feb 28 - 224. Feb loss 7.5 lbs Happy today because two people at work asked if I'd lost weight. :) I still don't see any difference, but others did!
  • Oh! Thank you for the reminder about the senior center. I need to check out the one near me. I love how senior places have accommodations for mobility issues, and are always welcoming. I wish there were "middle age" centers with that atmosphere.
  • I lost 10 lbs!!!! I started in early January at 238. After hovering at 228.5 for two days, today the scale said 228! :) So, my family's old way of celebrating achievement was ice cream. Clearly that tradition needs to change! What do ya'll do to celebrate?
  • I would love to join you folks. I need someone to talk to and cheer with, since I feel that I can't do this with anyone in my real-life friend/family circle. I'm Kat, elementary teacher in the US Midwest. I turn 50 this year. I was tiny as a teen and early adulthood--I was one of those lucky girls who could (literally) eat…