phatShaming Member


  • Hi Ronda, I'm also looking for more activity and a friend to talk to along the way. Ups and Downs but realized that I'm more of a "Let's Do This" weight loss person that a "do it alone" type person. I seem to need and best use that push. I'll send you a friend request. Accept it and let's start on our journey together. All…
  • I'm serious and need to lose 40-45lbs. I would like a motivational partner also. I do minimum 2 workouts x week and focus now on dieting and healthier eating habits and calorie counting. Feel free to add me.
  • OMG I love reading this. I'm stuck! I lost 20lbs almost doing nothing but getting a job and doing normal active stuff. Then I began to workout, watch my calories (walk and run) and I can't seem to lose anything. I'm always between up 1 or 2lbs and down the same 1 or 2 lbs. My goal is 135lbs and i'm now 176. I have small…