Hi looking for more friends

Hi all I'm Ronda and I'm 42 I'm looking for more active friends that are trying to lose and staying active. I've been up and down all my life but I've been trying a few weeks now. I still have 40 lbs to lose for my goal I really want to get there this time.

Current-190( I seem to stay in the 180s when I lose but want to change that)
GW- 150 would be amazing I hope I can do it this time 😑( haven't been that weight for about 15 years)

Btw I'm only looking for friends please no dating requests I'm happily engaged! Thank you much 💗


  • phatShaming
    phatShaming Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ronda, I'm also looking for more activity and a friend to talk to along the way. Ups and Downs but realized that I'm more of a "Let's Do This" weight loss person that a "do it alone" type person. I seem to need and best use that push. I'll send you a friend request. Accept it and let's start on our journey together. All I ask is that we're allowed to be honest with each other. If you see something you want to advise me on in my journal etc feel free, I'm open to good and bad feedback as long as it's beneficial. That's what gets us moving. Thanks!
  • gremlinreb
    gremlinreb Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Rhonda, I’m at the same CW and have the same GW as you! I’m 41F. I had previously reached my goal weight 5 years ago but life threw a few spanners in the works and here I am again. I’m not very active due to some health issues but am focusing on increasing my steps and doing what I am able to.
  • nehas007
    nehas007 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hi Ronda, I'm also looking for some active friends for motivation. Gained some weight in the past year and need to start tracking my diet and work out again to get in shape. Add me!