Thank you, I really needed to read something like this. I’ve struggled with losing weight my entire life. And I got more structured about a week or two, and I casually will weigh myself daily and I k ow my period is around the corner, but the weight not dropping is making me sooo sad.
I haven’t received a friend request yet. 😔
@Maalea I applied yesterday. Tomorrow is start day, will I hear back today?
Thank you. From what I know, we’re allowed to go on walks for physical activity. I won’t go far, or anywhere heavily populated. Just by home. I’ll be very glad to pick this up while waiting to be able to use the gym again. I think it’ll do my body good. So thank you for the inspiration to doing this through this horrible…
B E A U T I F U L Great job!! Seriously!
Thanks love for sharing that! I actually have thought of taking that up. With the new restrictions, I can’t go to the gym and being cooped up in the house is not always healthy mentally. So I’m thinking of doing it for a breather and to get myself doing better physically. I’m at a weight that’s yo-yo stage and it doesn’t…
Amazing work!
More friends please!! Divorced last year, and now I’m working on ME! 💜
Great job! This is super inspiring
Would love new friends!
GREAT job! Keep going and don’t stop
New and looking for friends!!