

  • As someone else said, here in the UK it is more expensive to eat healthy. I have a 14 year old daughter and a husband too my weekly budget is £80 and that is for all three of us. I can't afford to buy mountains of fruit and veg because its just too expensive. I live in the South East of England and in my town we have no…
  • WOW didnt expect this many replies!! Thank you so much!!:love: I think I'll invest in the wii game and give that a go first, it sounds as though it'll help, not sure how my puppy is going to react to me dancing around the room so that'll be fun if nothing else:laugh: I may also invest in a dvd or two as well so I've got a…
  • When you do eat a meal use the smallest plate you can get away with. Its looks like you have a mountain of food then and your brain instantly thinks your eating more than you actually are. Only have a small amount of the fattening stuff but pile on the veg. My old roast dinners I used to have 4roast spuds and about 100g of…
  • You look fabulous! You can clearly see you've lost a whole chin! Way to go!! Stick with it and you'll loose a whole lot more. Well done so far, i've got a way to go to catch you but I'll get there, I have several chins to loose ;)
  • Hello My first post on this message board so I'm a bit nervous. I'm Lisa from Kent, I'm married and have a 14year old daughter with Aspergers. We also have a gorgeous Golden Retriever puppy called Harley. Harley is my 'gym' if you like, I can't stand the thought of going to a gym so I take him for longish walks. The stress…