

  • Exercise is only 20% of weight loss. What you eat is 80%. If you eat like a bird I PROMISE those inches will come off fast :)
  • I will try and find some :) I hated pictures when I was heavy but I think my Grandma has some on her computer.. I will look for some :)
  • Hey Girl, Seriously keep it up!!! Don't give up! You will regret it big time & eventually go back to the way you ate & exercised before. You will gain the weight you lost plus more back... :( I know from experience! Keep thinking about all the positives of losing weight. Fitting into those clothes you've never dreamed of…
  • I can def. tell I need to be taking it and the effects when I take it one day and then not the other. My moods have been all over the place- very irritable with my husband (poor guy!) Thank you everyone :):heart:
  • Wow I am so surprised at how many posts I got back. Thank you guys sooo much! It means the world. I have a membership at the Y I just need the motivation to get out and do it. The reason I asked about weight watchers is because I wanted to go out and by all the meals and eat them mainly because then I know for SURE how…
  • :cry: I am so depressed because I have 100 pounds I need to lose and I just have absolutely no motivation! I can't find anyone to go to the gym with me and I am just sad all the time! I had a baby 8 months ago maybe I am having post partum depression? I don't know but it's so bad! I really want to have the gastric sleeve…
  • Yes def. makes sense :) I'm not a single parent though.. i have a hubby :)
  • Okay here's the deal. I started on here eating healthy a few weeks ago and exercising. Here's the two different problems I have: Food: I can't decide if I just want to do weight watchers or not. Their meals are kind of expensive but I like to keep track of points. Also, I can't stop midnight snacking. I'll wake up and have…
  • Yay! It felt good! :D
  • :smile: I love Enid!! Its just a family town.. everyone is so friendly!! I know where Tinker is I've been to the base a few times. Vance airforce base ( here in Enid) is really nice :D
  • I wish I had a workout buddy like you!!! I'm up 60 pounds from last year. I gained 80 pounds during my pregnancy YIKES!!!! When I had my baby ( 5 months ago) as soon as I had him I lost 30 pounds. Anyone here from Enid, Oklahoma.. hahah I wish!!! :D I need a workout buddy!!! ;)
  • Hey :) Honestly just calculate the calories on here but portion it into 5-6 small meals.. If you stay with the same foods day in and day out you will get sick of it.. trust me .. been there lol :)
  • I didn't know this but both diet pop and regular pop make you gain weight. Of course regular pop does because its loaded with sugar and sugar turns to carb and carbs to fat ( most of us know that).. BUT Regular and diet pop have one thing in common. They're CARBONATED. Carbonation stretches your stomach out allowing you to…
  • Hi everyone I'm new but boy has anyone ever had trouble when you first started losing weight getting yourself to go to the gym the first time? I had a baby ( Hayden) 5 months ago and I'm 60 pounds heavier than I was before I had him. I just get sick looking at myself. I don't even take pics of myself anymore and i used to…