I can see how cowsfan12 might think 5, but there's more to it than meets the eye. The rabbit see 6 elephants while going, so the rabbit may be just looking over its shoulder as it hops on over to the river, so that's 1 animal so far. Then we have 2 monkey going to the river, so that's a total of 3 animals so far. But the…
I'm driving through miniature fruit, in a miniature soft drink. Through which city am I driving, and in which state? (I'll make it progressively easier if need be)
Habitual lying 🤷🏻♂️
Saw this baby possum all by itself, earlier today on a bike ride
Um..... yeah, better hash that out over the phone with customer support
I love the taste of it when mixed with certain flavored creamers, but am currently in the process of giving up caffeine for better health. I can't stand when people joke around about being unproductive zombies before having a cup. Make cute of it all you want, but that's just your withdrawals from the drug known as…
Women having to pay their man after a divorce. Now that's a dose of equality if I ever did see one.
Can't just go around elevating people's risk of diabetes by giving out chocolates. I don't know who's brilliant idea that was.
Give her the box o' greens. Show her you really care about her health