Curlywurlyjo74 Member


  • Also, if you do not drink enough water, the food's nutrients will not go to other body parts. Water helps in the digestion of food and consequently, help burn more calories. This will lead to losing fat. So basically, drinking water IS very important
  • Drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.
  • Not yet, currently doing the Figure8 basic, but once I've completed it will give this a go.
  • Hi, yes I'm doing the BodyFX Figure8 basic at the moment (on 3rd week) and am really enjoying it. I'm not getting result on the scales yet but I am with the measuring tape and notice my clothes aren't so snug. How are you getting on?
  • Hi, I'm from Epsom in Surrey Add me if you like, I'm lacking friends on here .. currently at BIG FAT ZERO 🤣😂
  • Are you drinking enough water? You need to be drinking 2000ml to 3000ml a day, the water helps with weight loss, if you are dehydrated you'll have problems shifting the weight.