Balanced2020 Member


  • I'm in. I'm 5,3in and weigh 175. Would love to see 150, it's a struggle when in your 55 years old. But I'm a huge motivator so I'm here to support the group!
  • hi all, I was cjscheidel94 but changed my user name to Balanced 2020. That's what I want to be this year. I realize it's not all about losing the weight but also finding joy and happiness in my life. I came home a bit stressed out and went right for the candy. I limited myself to 2 pieces as I realized that I deserve a…
  • Hi, thanks for the feedback. Glad to know I am not alone in this journey. I can have junk food in my house and go days without eating it or wanting it but when the stress kicks in, sometimes all I can think of is eating it. And the urge is so great, that I give in. And I overeat or binge. Today, because I wrote last night,…
  • Hi all, I was a member way back when. I'm 55 years old and love to work out, that's not the problem. I can work out every day, both strength training or cardio. I could really use some accountability buddies. I have struggled with my weight all my life but when I hit the 50's, it's been a huge struggle. With my work, my…