New member who realised she can't do this alone

dunjalt Posts: 1 Member
Hi! I'm new to the community, but not tracking and fitness. I've been counting calories for a few years now and I weigh 134lbs (61kg) and want to get down to 121lbs (55kg) (I'm 5'6'' or 165cm). My problem is that I stick to a 1600 cal regimen 5 or 6 days a week and then I fall off track when I'm hanging out with friends and binge a good 4000 or 5000 kcal. Before the pandemic, I managed to lose 6 lbs but it's all back now.

I'm hoping that if I challenge myself by setting myself up in a supportive community with similar goals, I might feel more of a responsibility to stick to my plans.

tl;dr add me and let's do this


  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Similar goals here! 132.8 trying to get to 125-128. These last few are killing me but I will do it! We both can!
  • rebeccagracesmith00
    rebeccagracesmith00 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in a similar boat! I recently dropped 10 pounds and I have 15 more to go (currently 140, goal 125), but I'm REALLY struggling, and the pounds are slowly coming back which is so discouraging!! I'm also new to the community and am hoping accountability will keep me on track. Are either of you interested in being accountability buds?
  • RosyDanielle
    RosyDanielle Posts: 99 Member
    Similar goals and keen to have some accountability buddies! 💜
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    I'm at 134-135ish, needing to get back down to 124-125ish, so really similar range as the rest of you. I'd love accountability- is the idea to add each other and check in, or post here?
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @jacau @weatherking2019 Hi. We’re relative newbies to the group with similar weight loss goals. Should we all join the May accountability thread? Thanks!
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi, girls! Welcome! You can join the monthly accountability any time! You don’t have to wait for a new month :) Some people track daily, some weekly, but it’s just a place to state your goals and check in as often as you need to help keep yourself on track.
  • janarady
    janarady Posts: 1 Member
    i'm 67.4 kg and 160 cm , my goal is 55 kg and i need to lose all this weight in 2 months so I really need help
  • Balanced2020
    Balanced2020 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I was a member way back when. I'm 55 years old and love to work out, that's not the problem. I can work out every day, both strength training or cardio. I could really use some accountability buddies. I have struggled with my weight all my life but when I hit the 50's, it's been a huge struggle. With my work, my husband's injury last year, my mom's recent passing and now the pandemic, I have been dealing with CHRONIC stress for over a year. It's causing havoc on my body. I am currently 173 pds and I'm 5 ft, 3 inches. I would love help and support to keep junk out of my mouth. How do we join the monthly accountability? I think if I post my goals with other folks, I'm more likely to stick with them. Thanks for listening.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    We’re all in this together!! Each month there is an accountability thread. You can put your goals in that thread and then report in as frequently as you’d like. In terms of junk food — just don’t have it around. Then you are much less likely to eat it. If you really want it, that’s ok — just measure out the portions. So, rather than open a bag of chips and eat the whole thing, instead open the bag and portion it out into preset servings in containers or baggies. Label each portion Monday, Tuesday, etc. Then only eat each portion on its designated day. Remember, it is not punishment to restrict these items, it is having self respect and treating your body like a precious investment.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @cjscheidel94 Best of luck to you. Sorry about your current circumstances. I’m a f/t caregiver for elderly parents. (Lordy!!)

    Our stats are very similar. 55 and 5’3 trying to get to a range of 125-128. I’ve lost about 15 so far and currently at 131.6. It’s taking forever and ever and ever and ever.....😫

    As a first step, if this is an issue - can you keep junk out of the house? I had to do that with bbq chips. 😋
  • Balanced2020
    Balanced2020 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Glad to know I am not alone in this journey. I can have junk food in my house and go days without eating it or wanting it but when the stress kicks in, sometimes all I can think of is eating it. And the urge is so great, that I give in. And I overeat or binge. Today, because I wrote last night, I had a much healthier day. I am now back to work full time and no longer working in my dining room. That's a HUGE help. This way I can pack just the foods that I need to get through the day and that's all I'll eat. There are no vending machines or stores to buy food around me. So today, I felt really good. I exercised in the morning and went for a 30 minute walk after work and made better food choices. I also heard this from a trainer that he has his athletes do. It's very short and starts every day with this daily routine. I thought I would share. I did it this morning. I'm sure it helped me to stay focused.

    1) Just take a deep breath (4 count on the inhale, 8 count on the exhale.
    2) Name something that you are grateful for and really feel it.
    3) Set an intention for day. Not what you are going to do, but how you are going to do it.
    4) Feel your feet touch the ground and then be in the moment to connect your body and mind.
    That's it.

    CeeBee slim, can you share what you did do to lose 15pds? That's huge. Thanks all
  • Balanced2020
    Balanced2020 Posts: 4 Member
    hi all,

    I was cjscheidel94 but changed my user name to Balanced 2020. That's what I want to be this year. I realize it's not all about losing the weight but also finding joy and happiness in my life.
    I came home a bit stressed out and went right for the candy. I limited myself to 2 pieces as I realized that I deserve a treat and don't need to binge. And two small pieces of chocolate is not going to do any serious damage. I didn't binge! Instead, I slowed down and actually tasted the chocolate flavor. And today, I worked out this morning for 30 minutes and then had a healthy day of eating! Now to get ready for dinner. Hope everyone had a great day! Peace!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @Balanced2020 - great name! Thanks for sharing the morning ritual. I will give it a try - I’m sooo type A I’ve rarely concentrated on my breathing at all - even when exercising.

    To lose my 15 pounds, I tracked every bite of my 1280 daily calories. I started a 12 week strength training program and that has melted inches off my body. I weigh daily to get a sense of what foods impact me differently (and I’d be lying if I said the scale weight doesn’t affect my day!).

    I hugely increased my veggie intake and use meat as a garnish. I still eat everything but reduced my portions - so instead of a serving of pasta and meat sauce, I (and this wouldn’t work for everyone) would have a whole zucchini, meat sauce, and like 5 rotinis or just enough spaghetti to feel I wasn’t depriving myself of pasta.

    I eat my bacon and eggs but load my eggs with veggies and have one slice of bacon instead of two. I keep as many veggies in the house as I can and snack on those (carrots, bell pepper and hummus). If I really really listened to my body and determined when i was really really hungry, I’d eat - not because it was breakfast time or dinner time etc. Usually lunch was a spinach filled protein shake which would fill me for hours.

    A big thing was also increasing my NEAT. Washing dishes - and plié squat. Put on my wireless headphones, a playlist and dance or do some kickboxing moves while doing laundry. I do extra activity that I like - so I bought a hula hoop, jump rope (turns out I like it less at age 55 and a 32G!! - hahaha) and a step. I’m a data geek and my Fitbit helped a ton too. Use your mfp pals too - I’ve had one for years who smacks sense in me when I need it or gets me back on track when I’m off.

    Lastly and this was hard - being consistent - the more I knew exactly what I was going to eat for fhe day the better. Easier to stay on track but boooring!

    I’ll admit - the stress gets to me - and I search for sweets - so what I do bring in the house are halo top ice cream, quest protein bars, and ginger and lemon cookies. But boy - I just really want a a Little Debbie treat or iced honeybun!

    I’m sure there’s more but this is what I can think of now quickly!

    We can and will do this!

  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    Hi girls,

    YES to connecting with more of you and extra support :smile:

    I came back to MFP recently after I realised I've been eating wayyyy to much and not losing any weight.

    My biggest goal is that 25 inch waist - my belly is definitely something I want to work on.

    At my worst my waist was 30 inches, now I'm slowly getting to 28.

    Feel free to add me - I need more friendly faces :smiley: