greenkaren731 Member


  • Thank you 🙏🏼😀
  • @CM_73 it’s tough I know. Staying motivated and trying to lose weight is one of the hardest things. I’ve battled from being 22 so a looonnng time 🤣 keeping it off is the hardest. I think you have to be in the right mindset. I’ve wanted to do this for so long but made excuses and slipped into depression or something’s got…
  • That’s fantastic. Well done you! It’s baby steps all the way. I need to go for a little walk with my two dogs. It’ll do me the world of good. I suffer anxiety so it’s not always possible to leave the house but I’m feel great so far.. day 4 today and stuck to it religiously. 💪🏻
  • @StephanieeeJean I’m a bariatric patient. I had a gastric bypass in April 2010. I went from 24st 7lb to 10st losing 14st 7lb. I lost that amount in little over a year. As the years have gone on I’ve had health problems occur. I’ve gained 5st over the last 3-4 years but I have mobility issues. I feel like I’ve let myself…
  • @absandproteinshakes thanks darlin. That’s really kind of you. Looking for all the support I can get to help me on my journey. I’m in a really good mental state right now. 💪🏻 I can and I will do this. 😀
  • @mssue18 Tracking is a HUGE key to success. I track everything that passes my lips because it’s so easy to forget what you’ve eaten etc. It’s the things that’s missed off that contain calories that don’t get counted and they really matter. Just try make a conscious effort to log things and just think to yourself it’s going…
  • @mssue18 add me as a friend I don’t know how to do it 🤣. I’ll give you encouragement. Would love to chat. 😀
  • Inboxed you lovely.
  • Hi I’m Karen from 🇬🇧 your not alone. I too have mobility and medical issues. My health has deteriorated over the last four years, gained 5st but I’m in the right mindset to motivate myself, just baby steps no strenuous exercise yet but really working towards a calorie controlled diet. It’s opened my eyes as to how many…
  • @Westieok it’s tough isn’t it. It’s like a vicious circle. I’m scared of gaining more weight which will effect my mobility and illnesses more so I decided to look after my body which will take pressure off my joints, will be good for mental health and I’ll feel fitter. We can do this 😀
  • You can do it! You can do anything you put your mind to. Sometimes we just need a good word with ourselves. You’ll have to forgive me I’m trying to find my way around this app. I’m useless with stuff like this 🤣 I don’t have a clue what I’m doing haha 🙄 I hope you’ve had a good day.? If not remember tomorrow’s a new day x…
  • Thank you Chief. I’m a long way from where I used to be, I have to keep reminding myself of how far I’ve come but I’d like to lose 3st of the 5st I’ve gained. x