88lbs / 40kg
I'm about 5'4/5'5 I think? (164cm) and like fluctuate between 47-50kg, still haven't figured out what my gw is just trynna make sure I eat atleast 1k, more so just trying to be healthy. maybe lose a bit or stay the same
gone without drinking for almost 2 weeks!
jess from Queensland Australia :)
trampolining is fun
it was gymnastics but atm long walking bcs it's the only exercise I'm allowed to do and it's pretty relaxing
for sure
I do this a lot but often don't end up using them
I'd lose
if you're ever wanting something quick and easy allbran with vegan milk is quite filling and has lots of fiber. I personally like the taste by itself but if not you can add fruit to it
weekly is better for me. is more accurate, and less likely to have me overthinking what I'm doing. either way just make sure to try take it in the mornings before eating and either without clothes or wearing similar clothes each time, just to get the most accurate results
diary is open, was able to burn almost 800 a couple days ago, that's probably the most I've achieved. but most days is about burning 300. not currently trying to lose weight just trying to maintain/get healthy
yes bcs im 19
(both are kinda two sides ive been on, am now in between those two, current is profile) 5'5, first was 45kg, am now at 50kg (second photo wasnt weighed)
am trying to do it without going back to hospital as i usually find it gets worse once i get out
yes i am
i realise i didnt finish my sentence, but that was to say as someone who has heard all that, i personally dont think thin privellage is always the case
im not talking about promoting weight loss to anorexics. but weight loss in people who are overweight can even be dangerous if not done right. i think its important to promote weight loss to an extent but there needs to be more out there on how to do it healthily
i guess everyone's stance is going to depend on what you've experienced and seen. I'm not from America and I live somewhere where I've known of more people to die from restriction. it all depends on what you know, but obviously both can be bad.
as someone who has been underweight ive been told i look like a starving child from Africa, that looking at me makes them feel sick, and that im so small i might as well not exist (then telling me to k*** myself)
people can die from obesity yes, but they can also die from being underweight, or even just by losing weight too quickly/malnutrition(regardless of what weight you are at). along with alot of other people i know, i have a considerable amount of heart conditions caused by dieting and food restriction. it is a very dangerous…
i agree with this, im way past my initial goal weight, and it keeps getting lower