harringtona1 Member


  • Congrats veta!!!! And congrats to dogwalker as well for the progress. That's what it's all about: sustainable stuff. I think the slower I move, the longer the habits stick. Oops late as usual with my Wednesday weigh in SW 234 CW 186 GW 150 I've been in a plateau for a few weeks. I know I can increase the Wegovy dosage, but…
  • @Veta2018 Good on ya! Usually I'm a don't-be-obsessive kind of girl. But in this case, you're prepping, letting family members get in on the new lifestyle, and getting used you a new way. Those things have to be done, so obsess away! If you can keep up that focus until these things become second nature you win. I loved…
  • Veta - I do that with hubby's snacks too. Top shelf of a little cabinet I don't use. So I never have a reason to go in there. And then push them waaaay to the back with my old lady extension grabber thing. God I love that thing. Dogwalker - just keep logging. It is working on you. It's a keystone habit that will help you…
  • Wednesday weigh in SW 234 CW 186 GW 150 ish Yikes. Sorry for that long post earlier. I have to put this phone away if I take a sleeping pill. At least i don't have any exes to text! It's going good. I got past a weeks-long plateau keeping me around 190. Really enjoying the Pilates training. The weather allows for…
  • Loving @veta2018 and @dogwalker157 to give me something to read. Although I'm sorry that part of it is your loss, veta. I have an amazing step-father who's slipped away from me since my mother died. I keep trying to reach out, but it's not going well. No fighting. Just..I dunno what it is. But this reminded me not to give…
  • Imo, it's 100% fine for you to have gone over your first day (week or a little more) of logging. The logging IS the activity. You won't go over for long if you just log. I mean, that's how I try to approach it. I logged. Check. No "but." Meanwhile, these posts just reminded me to log. I'm doing it right now! But first,…
  • 2 pounds per week would be perfect, right?
  • Wednesday weigh in HW 234 CW 191, also last week GW 159 Yikes. I wrote a whole draft and gone gone gone. I've been slacking unmotivated for months. I don't eat much and have managed to stay in Onederland (I can't remember who said that in here :smile:). But now that hubby got his clearance from surgery to swim and do…
  • Time for me to get back in here, too. What i like about this small group (so far lol) I just noticed and didn't expect. It's that when some of us get distracted -- by unexpected injuries or guest season -- one of us picks up the ball and keeps the thread alive with no judgment or anything but happy thoughts of holding down…
  • @pamperedlinny those are the times when I miss smoking lol. I read that it helps to schedule breaks so you don't get to a place of being overwhelmed with no strength to make smart choices. So first advice is to always take a break at X. I used to do that to work out with a trainer who came to my house. There was no option.…
  • Great causes. My mom died with dementia. Anyone who can be spared that experience is worth whatever it takes. If you have a go fund me, I'd love to contribute. Keep kicking butt and taking names!
  • SW 234 LW 201 CW 198.3 GW 150 Onederland is back. That's very satisfying. I look better, hubby notices and friends too. I even have to go to home office in 2 weeks and will show off my 35 pound progress. The challenge: every month, my.body in its infinite wisdom spends one week (week 1) bulking up for my m cycle. 5-6…
  • @dogwalker157 I had a hot fudge sundae today too! I definitely have seen a correlation between logging and losing weight. I just let it happen and try not to judge myself every day. Easiest said than done I know. And allow me to share that a great therapist and I broke up (professionally) because I wanted her to help me…
  • Oh I guess I stopped posting for a minute. I read almost every day though 🌞 This weekend we moved to the downstairs bedroom so that DH won't have to climb stairs after surgery. In times like these, I get myopic. I managed to keep from gaining and lost a couple of the pounds I knew were bogus. But I'm not on the usual 202me…
  • I kept gaining weight like one pound per day. I hope it's pms but I'm never sure when that hits. When that happens, and this time when it happened, I eat. I feel like my body has figured something out and is fighting against me. So I trick it by eating. Not too much. Still between 1400-2000. So silly I guess. What I really…
  • SW 234 LW 207 CW 202 GW 190, then 170, then... I did see that story, @dogwalker157 . Said people were more likely to be able to maintain those eating hours as well. It worked for me during the tiny time I was able to do IF. But I couldn't wait to drink my coffee. Now, it turns out, I don't have a stomach for coffee…
  • Thanks so much for sharing that! I was really wondering if it was something else. With so much change in life, it can be difficult to know which new variable is causing something, especially if you haven't really tracked the days of trouble etc. I'm starting to track the days I'm sleeping during the day. And I'll see if I…
  • Everyone doing ok? I have so little energy that I can barely stay awake during the day. I mean I do not stay awake I fall asleep. Luckily I work from home. I know exercise will help. It's too hot for good walks. So I tried some gardening yesterday. But I kept getting dizzy and had to break every few minutes. I think it's…
  • That's something I haven't wrapped my head around quite. I think eating too little sugar is the danger. If Wegovy is lowering my blood sugar, and I'm not diabetic by the way, then my blood sugar could get too low if I don't get some sugar. I don't eat much sugar anyway - not candy and cakes or alcohol that is. Some fruit.…
  • Awesome win keeping away from those chicken nuggies!
  • Awesome that your doctor is working with you to get you moving in the right direction! I can't wait to hear how this works.
  • 2 lb per week is what we should be aiming for, I hear. 👍 It definitely helps me eat less. Definitely definitely definitely. It somehow keeps me from thinking about eating during the day. And when I do have a meal time, I can't eat even close to what I used to. Impossible. The impact it has on sugar is icing on the…
  • Wow wow wow! Lost 170 pounds! That's amazing! What worked for you then that you might be able to apply again now?
  • All: my pharmacy told me today that all the initial doses of Wegovy are backordered until September at earliest. Those are: 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0. They have 1.7 and above. Drug producer says same. https://www.novonordisk-us.com/supply-update.html I'm sharing with you so you can go get your boxes of the initial doses as soon…
  • Does it help anyone to hear tough love? Is compassion best? I notice tough love doesn't work on my sister. She listens and agrees, but it doesn't change her behavior. Nobody ever tried tough love on me lol. My hubby wouldn't dare! I'm just wondering how I can be a good support person for anyone on here. 🤷‍♀️
  • I eat when I'm overwhelmed and I sleep. I wish I had another coping mechanism, though. I used to go for a walk around the neighborhood when I needed to decompress. But it's just SO HOT right now and always muggy. So between eating, sleeping, and not exercising outside, I'm headed for some trouble. Anyone have a magic…
  • So much positivity! Congrats everyone on moving forward. Your outlooks really helped me today. 🙂
  • I haven't tried pipto. I hate the idea of taking even more medication. But that may be where I have to go. I'll look at the ingredient list. Thanks for reminding me there are things out there to help me. 👍
  • I wonder if that idea of "starting Monday" is rooted in doing things "right" and possibly even "perfectly." That's surely a mindset for failure. We're not perfect. Angelina Jolie doesn't eat perfectly. Rather, just keep going. You're already doing great. Losing anything from your starting weight is great to me. My quote…
  • @BCLadybug888 The queasiness is hard to define by time. It comes and goes usually in the days in the middle of my dose period. I can't eat at those times at all.