Daily check in for support and accountability



  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Great photo of the fireworks. Yay, on getting back in the groove :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I am not close to where I need to be mentally, but if I keep "fakin'" it, I will eventually "make" it! I went to another bridal shower for my nephew's fiancee on Saturday. This one was smaller, more laid back and involved mimosas. Lots of mimosas! I have nothing until the wedding on July 15th, so maybe I can get back into some sort of groove. Yes, there is a long weekend coming up, but we have no plans. And I weigh the same as what I did last Wednesday, so no gain at this point is actually a good thing! My knee is still sore, which is affecting my mental health as well. I cannot go for a walk to burn calories or even just to clear my mind. The soonest I could get in to see my doctor was July 5th. I am 4.2 pounds away from my lowest in this round of weight loss. If I could just get back to there before the wedding I would be thrilled!

    @pamperedlinny Well done on a successful festival...you enjoyed yourself while staying within budget and not depriving yourself!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    edited June 2023
    After a lot of overdoing it over the weekend, I've been able to rein it in over the past few days. I'm really starting to accept that it's going to take as much time as I need to eventually get to my goal. I'm no longer trying for fast weight loss.

    @HASWLRS-Sorry that your knee is still giving you trouble. That definitely can be discouraging and I hope that you start to feel improvement soon. I'm glad you are still working at it despite the setback :smile:

    It's really been helpful to have you ladies to talk to about the daily challenges. I've learned a lot by reading how you all face struggles but continue to persist on this journey.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning
    I have a few days in the win column and am hoping to continue the trend.

    Has anyone seen the recent study about restricting the hours you eat during the day vs. counting calories? Apparently there was little difference in the amount of weight lost using either method. Although I don't want to add more restrictions to eating, I was thinking of trying to set some general hours that I eat during the day. I still want to log and try to stay within my calorie goal.

    Yesterday I decided to push off eating until 11 am and end at 7 pm. Having less time to eat did seem to help me feel fuller during the day. I get up early so waiting until 11 was a bit of a challenge for me. I had a busy morning so that helped. Having a later breakfast kept me full and I ended up not wanting to snack in between meals. I plan to try out different hours to see what works.
    Have a good day All
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    SW 234
    LW 207
    CW 202
    GW 190, then 170, then...

    I did see that story, @dogwalker157 . Said people were more likely to be able to maintain those eating hours as well. It worked for me during the tiny time I was able to do IF. But I couldn't wait to drink my coffee. Now, it turns out, I don't have a stomach for coffee anymore. I'm thinking about trying again.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @harringtona1- I agree- there is no way I'm going to wait for my coffee.

    Since this is an accountability thread- here I go again. Lately, I feel like I have been reporting regular backslides and yesterday was no different. I got a lot of exercise in but then I ended up binging on a bunch of high calorie stuff that I bought for company over the long weekend. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling very uncomfortable from overdoing it. That alone should be a reminder not to do this again. I'm not beating myself up for the backslide- I know I'm going to have days like this, but hopefully they continue to be fewer and fewer.

    I've been pretty good about not having this stuff in the house and apparently that remains pretty important in attaining my goals of better health and fitness. I haven't really identified why I did it. I wasn't stressed or bored, as typical of my overeating episodes. I don't feel like I've been deprived, but maybe that's in the background. I did plan to indulge in dessert, but then it escalated from there. I'm putting this behind me today and moving forward with my plan to take better care of myself.

    Have a nice weekend All
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I kept gaining weight like one pound per day. I hope it's pms but I'm never sure when that hits. When that happens, and this time when it happened, I eat. I feel like my body has figured something out and is fighting against me. So I trick it by eating. Not too much. Still between 1400-2000. So silly I guess. What I really need is to get back to walking. But with this little bout of depression and temps in the 90s, I haven't convinced myself to get out yet. Frankly convincing myself to get out of bed before noon is a coup right now.
    Enough of that wallowing. Today was a little better. Take care y'all!
    Oh yeah
    SW 234
    LW 200
    CW 204
    GW 150
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I hate when the scale is all over the place like that, but it's very unlikely it's actual weight gain. It is hard to get motivated to walk in 90 degree weather. I'm trying to get out early before the heat of the day- I have to force myself but it has helped to improve my overall mood. Try not to be hard on yourself- you're doing so great- 30 lbs is a terrific accomplishment and so good for your health.

    I have totally gone off the grid for almost a week now. I was disappointed to see I am now at day 1 streak. I think I made it for 100+ days of logging and then the long weekend and company- need I say more. I haven't been on the scale and am intentionally avoiding it. This is probably not a good thing. I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing and I want to get back to it.

    Well today is a new day and I am paying attention. Have a good day.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    My 3rd day back and so far have been well over calorie budget. We ended up eating at McDonalds at the last minute when there were no other options yesterday. By that point I was very hungry and ordered and ate some high calorie options. I did fine the rest of the day :D

    Today I am in a bit better situation and have better options. I plan to stick within the budget today!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Not sure if this thread has completely fizzled but I'm posting anyway...
    The weekend was okay overall. I did overindulge but it wasn't a complete blow out. I'm also back to logging so that's a good thing. Paying attention is half the battle for me. I've been up 3 lbs. for the past few days. Not quite going in the direction I would like it to, but I'm going to keep trying.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Oh I guess I stopped posting for a minute. I read almost every day though 🌞
    This weekend we moved to the downstairs bedroom so that DH won't have to climb stairs after surgery. In times like these, I get myopic. I managed to keep from gaining and lost a couple of the pounds I knew were bogus. But I'm not on the usual 202me train until hubby is back on the mend. Part of the tunnel vision was completely ignoring work for about a month which, to be fair, has ignored me for about 4 months. I had a talk with the President about his commitment to quality ready for us to part ways (and I could joyfully go back to focusing on hubster). Instead, he apologized, re-committed etcetera etcetera which causes me even more work to get them... Look. Long story a little shorter, I need to get health back on priority. So I will. Thanks for the reminder.
    I hope @HASWLRS is getting back on her feet. But, yeah, where is everyone else? Maybe summer break with kids?
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Harrington- You sound like you have a lot on your plate. I hope your husband's surgery goes smoothly and he has a quick recovery. I retired last year and don't miss the demands of work and the politics that came with it. It's easy to spread yourself too thin even when not working full time anymore. I planned to focus on taking better care of myself but things just keep getting in the way. I guess we have to learn to make it a priority but that doesn't always come easy.
    I was also thinking of HAWSLRS and Pampered and hoping they are away and enjoying some summer fun.
    Be well :)
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Last night was a total bust. I was going to skip posting because I feel like the last few weeks, every day repeats itself. I start off with good intentions and end up overeating on most days. I know it's probably better to focus on the positive but that doesn't happen easily. A lifetime of the dieting cycle is hard to break. My hope is that if I keep coming back and logging, despite what I'm eating, I will work my way back to healthier eating patterns.
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello Everyone
    I am not new to mfp but have been absent way too long.
    I am Angie almost 60 yrs old and embarrassed to say current weight 243.2 lbs. I got on the scale this morning before work and was mortified. I knew I had gained quite a bit, but didn't realize how much.
    Years ago I was on mfp and so consistent with logging, excersizing daily and I lost almost 80 lbs. Well seems in last 4 years I have put most of that back on.
    I need to get my head out of my *kitten* and smarten up before I get much older and can't.
    My biggest challenge is staying motivated and connected with a group to stay accountable. I am hoping this could be the perfect group for me.
    I am not setting a goal, as whenever I do that I sabotage myself. I will know when I am at the goal for me.
    I used to love doing strength training, and plan on starting that again asap. I struggle with cardio due to sore knees ( probably from being overweight). I have started logging my nutrition again this morning too.
    Hope to be able to connect with some of you.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @Angief05 - Welcome back. I was in a similar situation as you. Lost a good amount of weight and slowly crept back on when I wasn't paying attention. I've been working on slow weight loss by making small behavior changes. So far it's going okay, though old habits and mindsets are hard to break. When I first came back the scale was barely moving at all for me. In the past I used to be able to lose weight a lot easier but things seem to have slowed down some as I get older. Try not to be discouraged if the scale doesn't immediately show results. Just getting back here and taking care of yourself is terrific. :)
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Decided to have a hot fudge sundae for late lunch early supper yesterday. Not the best choice but I did stay in my calorie budget. I'll make better choices today :)
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @dogwalker157 I had a hot fudge sundae today too!
    I definitely have seen a correlation between logging and losing weight. I just let it happen and try not to judge myself every day. Easiest said than done I know. And allow me to share that a great therapist and I broke up (professionally) because I wanted her to help me accomplish more. She wanted me to expect less. In the end, she was right. Objectively right. Long story about my expectations of my own productivity and perfection that panned out to show me I was wrong. For another time.
    Just do the stuff that we know is good (logging) then add another thing once that is easy. For me, that works.
    @pamperedlinny tagging to check in. :)
    Welcome @Angief05
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    Still plugging away trying to get myself back on track. I struggle on the weekends eating enough and not crap foods. We did smoke a whole chicken on the traeger yesterday, it was so good. I will cut it up today and package up for lunches and dinners. I spent most of yesterday doing outside chores before it got too hot. I burned 364 calories mowing the lawn. I weeded and watered all my gardens.
    Today doing inside chores before hubby and I go off on an atv adventure this afternoon.
    I plan to start a beach body workout this week too!
    Happy Sunday!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    @harringtona1 Sorry I've been MIA. It's been a long and insanely busy month. I haven't logged as I should but I haven't really gone anywhere either. Just so busy!

    I just finished as a volunteer for the Ride To End ALZ over the weekend. It's a 3 day bike ride that is over 280 miles. While I didn't ride, I did pass out waters, pickle juice, snacks, and whatever was needed for the riders at various stops. I'm also working at my church VBS every night this week. It's just a lot packed on top of each other.
  • chelsea121991
    chelsea121991 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! Off love to join your accountability group here. I’m 31, single mom of 4, work as a school nurse (and summer school nurse this year). Last week when I got on the scale I saw my highest weight ever of 230 pounds. I stopped eating gluten and dairy last fall and dropped 40 pounds which I gained all back this spring when I started eating whatever I wanted and having zero self control. Right now I have a long term goal to get down to 150 then reevaluate goals from there.

    H:54 inches
    HW: 230
    CW: 222.2

    I am going to try to be consistent posting here each day. My diet has been better the last few days and I’m fairly good about getting 80+ ounces of water a day. I do not exercise regularly but feel great when I do. I am trying to get into a good health and fitness routine that aligns with my school year schedule before we get back to school in September. I’ve found that the dole chopped salad kits make for a super easy lunch. I eat the whole bag so anywhere from 360-600 calories for lunch. Breakfast I do a protein bar or occasionally cereal with oat milk. Dinner o try to keep on the lighter side to avoid feeling bloated and uncomfortable at bedtime. Sweets are my downfall and yesterday when I was grocery shopping I picked up a package of cookies for myself and ended up turning my cart around and sticking them on the shelf again. I felt so proud of myself. I probably looked a little silly hurrying away from the cookies but it didn’t matter to me. Well, if you e read this far thank you. I’ll check back in tomorrow. If anyone wants to be friends on here please send me a request. The more accountability and motivation we all have the better we will be for it! Happy Monday!