Daily check in for support and accountability



  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All,

    I enjoyed reading your posts this morning and can so relate to them.

    @harringtona1 - I love the quote and am definitely going to post it on my fridge. I enjoy walking but even so, I often have to encourage myself to do it. I'm learning to try to put a positive spin on exercise and "enjoy movement." This would be a challenge if I was walking in unpleasant surroundings. I live on a busy road with no sidewalks so I have to jump in the car too. These added steps make it more challenging. Luckily I have a dog that needs walking and I will feel guilty if I don't get her out. How is the Wegovy going?

    @HASWLRS- I am so with you on the snack foods and protein bars. I recently bought a box at BJ's and find that I don't stop at one. I like the savings of buying the box versus individual but I think your strategy is exactly what I need to do. Buy one at a time.

    I feel like I've been somewhat out of control lately. I've had a lot of appointments and tasks on my schedule so my eating and exercising has been out of whack. I also feel some underlying stress, add that with the rain that's been falling for 2 weeks and I find myself eating more than I should. I have also been eating more desserts and snacks.

    I do so much better when I don't graze and sit down and have an actual meal. There is a start and an end to it, rather than the ongoing munching I do when I "graze through lunch."

    Have a great day All
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Wednesday the 3rd

    Logged, under and got in a 40 minute walk in a break in the rain, I am on day 4 of logging and being under. I might be too under as I am very, very hungry. I shall look at my numbers later and see what I think. I am enjoying the number on the scale getting lower each day, however, I know If I am too hungry, too often, I will eventually binge.

    I have to go to the grocery store today. In the past this has always been part of my downfall, as I will buy foods I tell myself I can eat in moderation, but in reality I cannot! Short of getting my list notarized, I am not sure what I can do except to go in with a firm list and a firm resolve, and to eat right before I go, of course!

    @dogwalker157 We have been getting a lot of rain lately, too. Maybe we are in the same neck of the woods? I am in southern Ontario.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Yesterday I was successful at the grocery store, for the most part. I walked right past the chocolate bars on sale.....yes!!! I did buy six items that were not on my list, however. Three were good: two frozen meals under 200 calories each and some lean peameal (Canadian) bacon. The three that are potentially not so good was three packages of pasta. We shall see if I can consume some pasta in moderation when the time comes!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Somehow life got insane again. I keep promising myself that it won't..... but then my calendar is full again. With the events this week I did not stay in my boundaries. Two days in a row I was around 2500 calories in a day. At least I logged them best I could and kept track. It wasn't pretty but acknowleging when I'm having a hard time staying the course seems to help.

    I have lunch out with a friend today and I'm going to try and make myself pick a healthier option. The place is called Buffalo Cornbread and I live in the south. Even the salad comes in cornbread and there are no light dressings on the menu, so this is a challenge. Since I went to a work party (they did a Cinco de Mayo party a day early) at a local sports bar last night, and it was all the free food and 2 free drinks, I didn't make the best choices. I started with salad and fruit but then had wings, fries, tots..... you get the picture.

    I can make better choices today.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @pamperedlinny Yes, you can always make better choices today! Remember that your lunch out with your friend is not about the food, it is about the conversation with your friend <3
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    So many successes in these recent posts. @pamperedlinny in my years of gaining and losing weight, I've found the most useful piece of work is the logging. If I don't log, I overeat. Usually out of ignorance, not even binging. Today I almost went over my calories because I didn't log until 4:30. Now I realize I only have 250 calories left for the day. Just keeping that going is an amazing habit for weight loss. And doing it when you know the numbers are going to be high is even harder. Well done.
    Do you think these activities are sabotaging your health goal? If so, is there anything you can do about it? Then, are you willing to do it? Friends and family are important. Is there a way to have them AND your health goals? (I mean, you don't have to kick your sister out of your house lol. Maybe something a bit more moderate.) I think about this sometimes and wonder if you're giving yourself a break today 😁 I have the most fun telling people "no." That's not usually my thing. I'm a people pleaser. But I told everyone in advance that this year was all about me and be prepared. Then I stuck to it. So I say "no" and give the reason for real. I'm working on myself. That ain't gonna help. And by the way, "no" I don't want to put your boxes together or take your dog to the vet or handle your Amazon return. I'm a pro at no. Took me 52 years...

  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I second the value of daily logging. I'm not sure if others experience this but I will string together several days/weeks of eating well, then life happens. I find myself slipping into old patterns and behaviors. These habits are so ingrained and just naturally take over. The logging doesn't always keep my eating in check, but it keeps me aware.
    Being able to look back at my food diary has also red flagged some things for me at times. I recently had a string of overeating and no exercise days. These are the pivotal times that I can easily slink back into old patterns of behavior. This time however, I stopped and really looked at what was going on. I was being pulled in a lot of directions and was putting all of it before focusing on my own well being. Like everything else is more important. I needed to remind myself that it's okay to focus first on being healthy and well. Harrington is so right on with the year of me. I like her unapologetic declaration that she is taking care of herself and not feeling guilty about it!

    @HASWLRS- Nicely done at the grocery store. I tried your method of getting single serving snacks. I know servings are small but was still surprised to see how few m & m's are actually in a serving :(. It's definitely a strategy I am going to use. I still have to be really careful of having any of that stuff in the house though. I just have my moments where I put the blinders on and gobble up the candy without paying attention.

    Have a nice weekend
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Update: I went 50 calories over last night after all. 250 calories is not enough to get me through the evening. Now I know!

    I haven't done this in awhile...
    SW 234
    CW 210
    GW 150

    I keep thinking right before I get on the scale that my weight will be back up to the 220s. Weird how I expect something (in my case, I'll call it "worse") of myself that's not actually true.
    It's not just weight. I expect myself to walk once a day, but not twice anymore. And I expect to take a nap midday. Then, I'll eventually start to live down to those expectations until I catch what I'm doing.
    It's not everything in my life; and I'm not depressed. So that's good news lol. (I'm bipolar II so I have years of experience recognizing manic and depressive episodes 😉.)
    Maybe after this year, I can start believing the data about my fitness as well. I read a long time ago that you see yourself as a thin (healthy or whatever they said back then) person and then you'll eat like a thin person. I need to find that article. It is true from an external standpoint too. If I see someone who is my size eating right, I think of them as healthy and probably remember them as thinner too. If they're eating poorly, the opposite. Hmm. Just philosophizing. Do y'all think like that too?
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @HASWLRS you Canadians can sure put up with some less than perfect weather! I think that's super! I've often considered moving up there just to get more active. Awesome job!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I am so bad at checking in over the weekends.

    Lunch on Friday was really good. I checked the menu in advance, took a pre-measured salad dressing from home, and enjoyed a Savannah Strawberry Chicken Salad. It was really tasty and my friend decided to order the same thing. She said my making healthier choices made it easier for her to do the same. She did try to talk me into the banana pudding (which looked amazing) but since I had other food days prior to our outing I said I would have some next time.

    @harringtona1 if you find that article I'd love to read it.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited May 2023
    @HASWLRS you Canadians can sure put up with some less than perfect weather! I think that's super! I've often considered moving up there just to get more active. Awesome job!

    @harringtona1 Not only do we put up with the less than perfect weather, we know how to work with it, and in some cases, even embrace it! I could not live in Florida! The heat would drive me crazy, literally! I do not even like my husband to touch me with hot hands!!

    And great job on the weigh-in!! You are making real progress!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I am so bad at checking in over the weekends.

    Lunch on Friday was really good. I checked the menu in advance, took a pre-measured salad dressing from home, and enjoyed a Savannah Strawberry Chicken Salad. It was really tasty and my friend decided to order the same thing. She said my making healthier choices made it easier for her to do the same. She did try to talk me into the banana pudding (which looked amazing) but since I had other food days prior to our outing I said I would have some next time.

    @harringtona1 if you find that article I'd love to read it.

    @pamperedlinny I do not check in much on the weekends either (usually), so I do not expect that from others! You did a great job at lunch with your friend! The fact that she appreciated it also is just the cherry on top!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Been chugging along, logging my food and staying under. Other than Tuesday (statement day at work) yesterday was the only day last week (M - Su) that I did not do any formal exercise. My husband and I will usually go for a walk on Sundays, however I was sore from my longer walk on Saturday and needed a rest. Plus, my husband needed to use his only day off wisely. That meant getting the grass cut, and power washing the patio table and chairs and deep cleaning the barbeque.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @harringtonal Love that one...so true!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    @harringtona1 I love that!

    I had my labwork today and I'm just waiting for those results to come through. It's killing me a little bit to wait and see how it looks. My actual doctor appointment is next week but I should be getting the results electronically before that. My A1C is my biggest concern. It should be all good but I can't stop worrying about the official lab numbers.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @HASWLRS- Great job staying on track with food and exercise goals. Seems like you have some good momentum going.

    @harringtona1- Another great quote

    @pamperedlinny- Hope the lab results are good.

    I'm still battling with staying focused and on track. I find it interesting how one day I can be so "all in" and feel like I got this, only to slip back into old habits a few days later. It's like I have a sub personality that takes over. I can see how easy it can be to let a few things slide and quickly I can be back to where I was. I have to find a strategy to stay focused now that the newness is wearing off. If that makes sense.
    Have a good evening.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Still logging, still being under, still walking, still in the zone, still losing weight, still Obese, so still gotta keep going!

    May 3rd: 207.6
    May 10th: 205.2
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    I fell off the wagon for the weekend. Trying to be back on track again now. Sometimes a couple day break isn't the worst thing ever. It's the getting back on the wagon that is hard.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I fell off the wagon for the weekend. Trying to be back on track again now. Sometimes a couple day break isn't the worst thing ever. It's the getting back on the wagon that is hard.

    @pamperedlinny I agree with you on both counts. Sometimes we just need a mental break from "dieting". Sometimes we have been feeling too hungry for too many days in a row and we just need to temporarily ease that feeling. Sometimes it is a holiday, like Christmas or Mother's Day, where you just want to enjoy and it would be too hard to try to log food that you did not prepare, so you do not even try. But getting back on that wagon can be excruciating! Monday is a fresh start. You got this!