Definitely you need B12. What I often do is take a few ingredients that I have in the fridge, Google them preceded by "Vegan" and I have found some really great recipes that way. Also, usually what I have are things I like so usually I enjoy the product. Also, MFP makes it easy to add recipes and it calculates the…
You look wonderful and best of all happy and healthy. I'm delighted for you.
In 9 days I will be 81 and I would guess that makes me the eldest. I've been enjoying the fruits (pun intended) of vegan for just shy of 3 years.
My three year journey, post recovery from emergency open heart surgery, endowed the path to maintain my health which influenced the avenue to vegan which has brought untold substance to me. I feel like a young boy, my mind is clearer than I can remember it being in many years. My medical test results are intensely low. I…
Like you I grew up hating the taste of spinach living with a mother that loved and cooked spinach in every imaginable way. God cast upon me a son who was like his grandmother and so spinach came back on the table and I began a taste here and a taste there and somehow became a spinach lover myself. Today, boiled, baked,…
I admire your accomplishment and determination. Well done.