rmh2021 Member


  • @sandielewis2001 Wow 45.3lbs is incredible! Well done. I can't wait for the day I can say I lost 45 lbs. I hope to be down 45lbs by August. Let's do this!
  • @kelMee You have made great progress, congrats! Your diet sounds smart and will help you from getting cravings that take you off course. I am really trying to be patient with the process. Tomorrow I will have completed my third training session of my third week. It's a small victory but when I drive home from there I feel…
  • Hi everybody. I have a total of 60lbs to lose and I am down 15 lbs so far. I started mid-April. I am working out with a personal trainer 3 days a week and doing peloton HIIT classes 4 days a week. And eating a diet which I can only describe as sad, limited and low cal. I also started using the Rise app to follow…
  • @WandaMcAlary1 I could not even do a beachbody workout. It's been a minute but I bought one of their programs and my knees were screaming so if you have done 30 days- you are an olympian IMO. Sometimes our bodies can protectively hold onto fat if you are cutting too many calories so make sure you have enough protein.…
  • I did not exercise yesterday. I'm disappointed in retrospect but I felt exhausted and just was lame. Today I am back at it. Riding the bike for 30 min hiit and a 30 min hill walk after which I have to tackle soon before it is too hot. I started no dairy today. I'm trying oat milk which is not bad. I can't wait until the…
  • Ok so I am closing out the work week having worked out every day! It's too soon to see movement on the scale but I feel good. I am going to weigh myself 1x a week. I have a digital scale that reports to my phone in an app called Feelfit and it tells me my weight, bmi, body fat, etc. Where I am not liking the data now I…
  • @kelMee2 I agree with the logging. When I log the good and see exactly what I am eating it makes a huge difference. I also reset my setting so I was tracking my carbs and fiber and protein... to watch what I wanted to specifically. It's great you can fine tune it. Btw today it's already 5 and I have not exercised yet. I am…
  • And of course, I am probably wrong.
  • Hey correct me if I am wrong but basically the way you "join" is just by sharing here where you are at- how it's going- and using this group to check your own accountability and support each other. It's helpful to bookmark the group so you can find it. Anyway, I wish you all the best with your weight loss. We can do this.…
  • Small miracle but I forced myself to workout today again- this is a 4 day streak! (feel free to laugh, it's been a LONG LONG time since I worked out with any regularity). So I did a 30 minute hiit ride on my peloton and then walked for 30 minutes. I passed neighbors walking and could not even chat- I was too breathless. I…
  • I managed to work out 3 days in a row. 3x 30 minute Hiit rides on peloton and 30 minute uphill walk after. I'm starting back to exercise after an accident left me with a torn acl, broken wrist and hand and I feel all my injuries still but it's tolerable. I have 60 lbs to lose. It seems really far off right now. And I wake…
  • I'm in. My goal is 60 lbs lost.
  • I just beginning to workout, watch what I eat, to try to be accountable. I have 60 lbs to lose. I just went for a walk. I will ride my peloton today too for 30 minutes. But I have to stop all sugar. I won't be eligible for the vaccine for a couple weeks but as soon as I am vaccinated I am starting with a trainer. I can't…