When I started rebounding (mini-trampoline), I was well over 50, 250+ lbs and hadn't exercised in years. I couldn't climb a flight of stairs without gasping my breath. At first, it was all I could do to march in place for even three minutes. The rebounder is very gentle on your joints and burns hella crazy calories.…
When I first started exercising, I was horribly unfit. I had a rebounder (mini-trampoline) and could barely slow jog-in-place for 3 minutes or one song on my play list, I was so darned proud of myself when after a couple of weeks, I could make it through three! For me, the start slow worked since I told myself "just one…
I've tried keto, intermittent fasting, Weight Watchers, a host of fad diets (Atkins, South Beach, cabbage soup) and even weekly Wegovy injections for 10 months. None of those things shifted an ounce. Counting calories is the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me. It never matters what I eat - as long as I hit the deficit…
I seem to be in the ~13% non-responder category. :'( Been on Wegovy since May and have not seen any of the incredible results so often touted.
Not as an all out give-up, but once in a while there might be some unscheduled ice cream. :D
Seven MONTHS on Wegovy and I have not shifted a single gram. :( It has stopped the desire to binge and quelled the 24/7 food noise, but hasn't helped with the feelings of satiety. Most people I talk to crow about the "can't eat one more bite" factor or even feeling queasy if they eat too much. No such reaction here. And…
I believe the Thread Title is Marriage or Not. If it were Skiing or Not, my answer would be very different. I don't ski. I never learned to ski and my attempts at skiing were never successful. I don't like to ski. So I would vote NOT on skiing. Still, if someone did answer that they enjoy skiing and find it a delightful…
Together for 30+ years with differences and debates, but never once a raised voice argument. IMO the mutual respect is the strongest bond. The thought of making the other unhappy or disappointed would be the worst thing imaginable.
Since this is Debate Club, I contend that barring severe head trauma, very few people on the planet undergo a 180° personality change between altar and divorce decree. Most bad choices display more red flags than Moscow on May Day from Day One. Early on, did that ex occasionally bend the truth for gain or to smooth life's…
Incredibly old fashioned here. :D If you're going to breed, get married and stay married. And yes, I already can hear keyboards typing out "B-b-but my ex was a terrible person I am well rid of!" Hence the importance of recognizing the dif between a good mate and a poor choice long before saying "I do".
Ahh, but see, that's what previous posters have been talking about... that perception it's somehow cheating or taking the easy route rather than "doing the hard work." I "did the hard work" of losing weight and exercising, but I certainly don't feel that made me better or more virtuous in any way. I didn't need to learn…
Can I play? Started mid June.
Pure Protein Bars are my fave. 180 cals, low low sugar and 20g of protein. I only buy them for travel, emergency packs and long work days.
I mostly cook for myself and am very happy I got the 7 quart. I can make several tacos or a whole quesadilla. I also think the larger area makes for better air circulation.
You don't need to ever post an Amazon item beyond the inventory number. The rest is your search/session ID reference. That said, the capacity is very small. Costco sells the highly rated Gourmia 7 quart for the same price.
My long dormant PF recently flared up after almost a decade. I can't blame it on ill fitting footware since I spend most of these days in slides and Skechers. If anything, I have neglected regular exercise lately and my leg muscles have probably lost some ground. Inserts have been provided me the most relief.
It definitely stops the food noise for me. Today I had a 2" x 2" piece of homemade cake to be polite at a shared dinner and was completely satisfied after two bites! Honestly, I didn't want the cake at all. Before Wegovy I would have wanted a larger piece and secretly been longing for seconds.
I agree. No one tells people suffering from depression to just think happy thoughts and power through the doldrums or suggests folks with alcohol issues simply stop after one or two drinks. Yet the food willpower bandwagon has no shortage of riders. If food compulsion is not your issue, just be thankful and don't hinder…
I turn on the TV on low volume and find an audio book or short story with no adds on YouTube. I set the TV timer for 30 minutes and am usually sleeping in ten. For me, meditations have never worked since the 'relaxing' is an active process - breathe, count, visualize, etc. Simple stories keep my mind from engaging,…
Loves me a buffalo chicken salad as an entree. Adding a protein makes a salad filling, so I'd add eggs, lean beef, feta and panela, chick peas and other beans whenever possible.
I decided to try Wegovy because the food noise in my head was constant and even though I knew what I needed to do to lose and maintain weight, that knowledge was no match for all day food obsessing. Wegovy instantly tuned out my constant thoughts of food which is all I needed to be successful. It made all the difference…
Just read the above referenced Magic Pill by Johann Hari. The info on the latest injectibles in the first part of the book provides a good overview along with his personal experience before filling the remainder of the book with boilerplate diet advice and un-unique observations. The interview was more helpful than his…
I have put purslane in my salads, but never in a smoothie. Will have to try it. Thanks!
It's berry season! 😋 Homemade yogurt, fresh picked berries topped with 20g granola. Yum-tastic!
Just wait til the tomatoes chime in! <3
I've always wondered if those braces worked. After years with no issues, I got a flare up last month. It seems to be getting better now, but I wonder if donning the brace at the first sign would've helped.
6b here with the east facing plants within 8 feet of the house which provides a good wind break.
Thanks Ann - I would have thought that if the roots weren't so good looking. I'll chop into it after I mulch. I do have pepper seedlings started. We only had one bad cold snap here. Surprisingly, my kale, beet greens and Swiss chard all made it through the winter and have new growth.
Today, I was clearing out last year's garden debris in preparation for this year's plantings. I went to pull last year's peppers when I noticed that roots were still supple and there was about 2"-3" of green at the base of each thick dry stalk. I'm guessing that I should trim to the top of the green? Has anybody ever grown…
Do you have access to grass clippings? I pile my clippings 6"-10" thick. The thicker the better! The grass will create a nitrogen rich hot compost that will not only burn out/rot and light starve any weeds, but will form a solid barrier that wont allow weeds to pop through. When it's time to plant, I just clear out just…