Dumb Chicken Wing Math
The Tyson bone-in hot wings package says 3oz. is 170 calories (~57calories per oz). Would that be five wings weighed with bones: 8 oz. = 453 or meat/skin only: 6.2 oz. = 351?
Cooking for Comfort
I currently have a short term house guest going through a rough patch and in need of some TLC which includes more than a little comfort food. I don't want make two separate meals, but would love to come up with meals that might be served two ways. For example, those buttery mashed potatoes become just a 3T dollop on the…
Easy vs. Difficult
In the zone... All downhill... Highly motivated... Easy sailing... When it clicks... Whatever you call it, do you experience extended times when minding your food intake is pretty near effortless? Conversely, are there times when curtailing calories seems darned near impossible? I'm not talking about specific events or one…
Those Breakfast Burritos
Yeah yeah - I know the basics. But do you have any additions, methods or tips to making them? I have far too many eggs at the mo - along with garden tomatoes, onions and sweet & hot peppers. What is the best cooking/freezing method? The best way to re-heat? I have cheese and both dried bacon bits and bacon... along with…
This Is NOT a Single Serving Container
#WhyICan'tBuyIceCream 😳 #EpicFail
Love it and can't imagine sushi without it. But with what other foods or recipes have you used it?
Logging Food Poisoning
I get to erase the entire day, right? 😆
Packable Hotel Dinners?
On an upcoming job, breakfast and lunch will likely be provided. There will be more than enough calories there, but it may be a long time between lunch and the next day's breakfast. I don't want to take on more calories and carbs at a restaurant every evening. Nor do I want to take time away from a quick work-out or my…
OK, Admit It...
How often do you think about food? Me? No doubt waaay to much - as in: All. The. Time. :o
Unintentional OMAD
I'm not planning to move to one meal a day, but circumstances, namely DST sleep in, long-winded friends phoning at mealtime and higher-than-normal calorie meals, have pushed me in that direction this past week. Result? A satisfying drop on the scale without feeling hungry. Now I'm thinking of making OMAD a regular feature…
Hibernation Mode
It's a real thing.
Slow Cooker Steel Cut Oats
I love a hot breakfast. Does anyone here make steel-cut oats in a slow cooker? I know the oats would be delicious with the traditional butter and brown sugar recipe, but I'm looking for a reduced calorie version. Anyone ever tried a peanut butter powder version?
What's Your Non-Diet/Health/Fitness New Year's Resolution?
Mine is to do some serious clothes culling. I have more clothing than I could ever realistically wear. Do I really need eight winter coats? Or thirty-two button-front short-sleeve shirts? Or enough beach-wear to move to Miami? I picture that cartoon devil and angel pair on my shoulders. 😇 : You haven't worn that red…
Astrology - Yea or Nay?
Being an extremely pragmatic, level-headed and grounded sort of gal, I say there is absolutely no credence to astrology. But that's only because I am a first decan Taurus. 😆 Without exception, my best mates were all born under compatible stars and the converse is true of folks I'd wish would would exit the planet. What say…
I love it, but could use some new ideas. I am wearying of salty/spicy/parmigiana and especially interested in adding some sweet options without adding major calories. Maybe something with peanut butter powder? Marshmallow? Artificial sweeteners? Does anybody have a lower calorie caramel recipe?
A Month Without Exercise - Lessons Learned
Work has ramped up considerably and I allowed long busy days and a crazy travel schedule to serve as my excuse to skip my daily 30 minutes of exercise. At the same time - my indefatigable nemesis - the tsunami of road/work food on offer has completely washed away my diet resolve. Aside from a general increased lumpiness, I…
Whey Cool!
For those of you who make cheese or yogurt at home, what do you do with the whey by-product? Anyone ever made caramel?
Rotisserie Chicken Weight Mystery
Yesterday, I bought a rotisserie chicken, weighed the entire container sans lid before happily tucking in. When I was done, I weighed the container again and logged the missing 247g of dark meat before putting in the fridge. Today, the total weight was about 100g less than when I'd put it away! And no - no one else was at…
Is Running After Not Running Possible?
Despite being able to jog in place on a rebounder, climb stairs and race walk, it's been more than a decade since I've actually been able to run. I had double hip replacements in 2015 and despite having good overall flexibility, still descend stairs like Herman Munster. Does running involve a different set of muscles than…
Vacation Snacks
Planning a quick 4 day summer getaway in the U.S. What are some good suggestions for foods to keep in the car, a backpack and at the hotel? There will be some hiking and sailing along with much walking. I plan to fly in and immediately hit a grocery or superstore between airport and hotel. A case of water for sure... and…
When Do You Decide... ?
... what to eat at mealtimes? Do you plan your meal far ahead or take the day as it comes? Most days, I have a vague notion of breakfast and dinner - generally adjusting the later meal to meet the day's remaining calories. Often I'll pre-log meals and juggle serving sizes or substitutions until I meet my calorie goal. What…
Cabbage 'Steak'
I've got cabbage. I love steak. And while the term 'cabbage steak' is certainly dubious at best, I'd love to try it. Has anyone here made this culinary wonder? Got a good recipe to share?
Bone Broth
Questions for those of you that make your own bone broth: What do you add (if anything) and how long do you cook it? On the cook-top? Slow cooker? In the past, I've made chicken and turkey broth using just the carcass and a bit of salt, but I'm seeing online bone broth recipes that call for vinegar, hot pepper and/or honey…
Ingredient in Search of a Recipe
Throughout the cold months, I love making oatmeal apple crisp. I substitute monkfruit for white sugar - although I still use a small amount of brown sugar for the 'crisp' part. Anyway, I par-cook the apples with a little butter and apple pie spices before assembling the dessert - draining and reserving the liquid - which I…
2 Songs Worth of Free Weights?
Back in early 2020, I began doing moderate cardio for 5-8 minutes every other day. Nearly two years and 85lbs/6 stone later, I can easily manage 30+ minutes of fast-paced cardio daily. Well, it's a new year and time to start another new habit. I've got two 15 lb. dumbbells, a weight bench, absolute noodle arms, and with…
Surprise Keto Guests!
Grrr! Yesterday I braved Costco on Christmas Eve to make sure my house was stocked for holiday visitors. $65USD later, I find out at least one guest has gone KETO. Ugh! Even if I wanted to, I found out too late to do any more shopping. If anyone had bothered to impart that little nugget of information sooner, I could have…
What's Your Holiday Eating Strategy?
Here, there will be some parties, restaurant meals and cocktails, along with some general indulgence and holiday baking. I don't much worry about it and treat it like vacation food- enjoyed, but not adopted as a way to normally eat. On the days without a celebratory occasion, I pre-plan, cut back on calories, up the…
Fashion Trends
Do you participate? I'm a bit peeved that while I can now rock skinny jeans, they are out out OUT! Where were those wide-legged baggies 6 stone ago?! I'm nothing near a fashionista - but I did just buy an oversized fuchsia sweater and glitzy green clutch to pretend I was paying attention. I might even dig out a denim…
Daily Affirmations - Helpful or Hokum?
Anybody here find saying those those motivational weight-loss affirmations aloud to be Actually Helpful? Naturally skeptical me sees them as the magical chain letter of weight-loss. 'Speak these 20 affirmations every morning for 21 days and magically lose weight!' And can anyone hear the word 'affirmation' and not picture…
Healthy Eating & Your Grocery Bill
I've often heard the lament that eating 'healthy' is much more costly than eating highly processed, low nutrition junk. I may be odd woman out here, but I have found just the opposite to be true. Since eschewing poor food choices and cutting back on calories, my grocery bills have plummeted. Heading off a tangent here, I…