Hallus by Grossstadtgefluster. Works every time.
I’m in. Official weigh in tomorrow.
Feel free to add me. I’m down for support and/or conversation.
It would be nice if it was active again. I was excited to find my people.
I’m in. I could use the accountability and structure. Add me if you’re interested.
I didn’t have any notifications of your replies. This is promising.
I know this is old but it nice to see other Catholics embrace tradition.
Congratulations on the babies. I’m looking for similar people. Feel free to add me.
I just started keto too. Feel free to add me if you want support or recipe swapping.
I’m in a similar situation and would appreciate the support. Add me as well.
I have only ever sprained an ankle, but wrapping it right seemed to help, especially with running. I did tear my shoulder up pretty badly a couple of years ago. My biggest lesson learned was to listen to it and don’t push it but at the same time don’t baby it or it will not begin to rebuild. I more or less let fear of…