MelBull2022 Member


  • I have also found walking at intermittent paces to be the most beneficial, and the weeks I actually get out or up to do them I have a far more significant weight loss. It's also not as hard on the joints and allows you to catch your breath again between power walks/jogs and walking.
  • I'm a 45 year old Mom of a 9 year old and step mom to a 17 year old. I have a total of 109.5 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. Feel free to add me. I am also on Fitbit
  • Along what everyone else here said, your calories to consume will go down as you lose weight as well and you do not have to eat your calories you have earned back from exercise. They are there encase you need them. Definitely do as suggested above and ceck your macros to make sure your getting the right balance of…
  • I started Mid October, and have 109.5 lbs to loose to get to my goal weight. Feel free to add me, it's nice to connect with like minded people working towards the same goals.
  • Amazing!!! Well done :)
  • My goal is to lose 110 lbs, and I know It's going to take me a while. I'm committing myself to the life style change and getting comfortable with the idea that I will more then likely have to track my food for the rest of my life to eventually maintain when I reach goal.
  • Your Origninal post really resonates with me. Just for today: I will complete my goal of setting up my exercise space in the basement.
  • I re-joined mid October, I have been battling my weight for what seems like the last 15-20 years. I was diagnosed with an underactive Thyroid in my mid 20s and weight has been a struggle since. It was at its worst this Jan when I was at my highest ever 264.5 lbs. I've tried Weight Watchers multiple times, and just seemed…