1) log every single bite or sip that isn't water. Use grams and milileters. 2) speak to a doctor! You have a lot to lose so some medical supervision, at least initially, is a good idea. 3) be gentle on yourself. 200lbs isn't going to vanish in 6 months. Make gradual changes you can stick to. You are going to make mistakes,…
Using curry sauce or stir fry sauce as a pasta sauce is my lazy go-to. Alternatively, Spagetti Bolognese or macaroni cheese (both from scratch) For a lower-calorie option, lentil curry. For a nostalgia hit, pigs trotters, cottage pie or kedgeree. If Google fails you, I can post some recipes. Just wanted to avoid an…
Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to help that much without a bit more information. Can you change your settings so we can see your food diary? That will help us pinpoint any issues. As the person above said - what are you hoping for? Also, how tall are you? 130lbs is ideal or even a bit on the low side, unless…
The best / worst can coment I had was someone saying "You've been detoxing, haven't you? I can tell, you look so good!" I just didn't know where to start with that and just kind of walked away.
The need to eat less bread. This came from my stepmother who saw no issue with the amount of porridge (oatmeal), pasta or cheese eaten, it was all the evil evil bread!
I went from 123lbs to 155lbs. I know I picked up my cup of tea but still... No, it’s on carpet. I don’t have any hardwood / tile / laminate flooring even in the bathroom or kitchen. Not my choice, the place is rented! It looks even but isn’t hard though the scale does have its little carpet feet on. Ahh, didn’t think of…
Health, predominantly. My family are a pretty poorly bunch and while some of that is behavioural (e.g.smoking) a fair few illness have a genetic component. I cannot change my genes putting me at greater risk of various cancers, dementia, heart disorders or strokes but I can give myself the best possible chance by not being…