Farouha98 Member


  • So if I exercise and I stick to the 1200, would it work.
  • I used to eat less and it worked but now that I am using all 1200 it doesn’t . I wouldn’t say it is exactly 1200 but it isn’t a lot higher than that. I don’t exercise either
  • I don’t exercise. I used to eat less than 1200 actually but now that I am using all 1200 it doesn’t work. I do use a good scale . I would say it’s 1200 exactly but it is very near. I am 68 and I want to be 60
  • Yes I am and this diet worked before but now it just stopped
  • I weigh 68 kg and 170 cm and my weight had been the same since 3 months approximately. I have always had a cheat day where I eat everything and I still lost weight. I don’t know what the cause of the plateau is because I am sure that my calorie counting is accurate. I don’t exercise. Will exercising twice a week with this…
    in Help Comment by Farouha98 November 2020