juliebeeeee Member


  • Loved going to café today, inside. weather good. did taxes yesterday. Way behind in some things but not so stressed about it. Enjoying the weather and being able to go out. it's indulgent but I booked another night away at the seaside. Sunday night (less people about on Monday!). about 69 euros train trip and 65 euros cute…
  • oh weird, this is bananas, not sure why I'm signed in as Juliebee now. I tried that once when I couldn't get online as bananas. (this is bananas !) bad pun intended.
  • hugs to you. I'm sorry about the wedding. will it be live streamed (many were during lockdowns) ? a colleague "went" to his son's wedding during extreme lockdown on video. He and his wife ordered or planned a fancy meal with champagne and he said it was very good. the cost of traveling for weddings is not doable for…
  • terri I don't know if I'm really feeling SOOOO positive, but I'm doing ok. spring and seeing people and going to the seaside etc, and being able to go inside a café for the 1st time in 7 months all help.
  • Rori, hugs, you sound rather serene. Ginger, hugs, I am not great at intermittent fasting. cause going back to eating can be a bit weird. I used to fast and then overeat, (or visa versa) in my early 20s so when I fast it can evoke that weirdness. I tend to go for slow and steady, though I know intermittent fasting is now,…
  • that makes sense !
  • Hi ladies. In a bad mood. Hope you are well.