webdomainhub Member


  • Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have been quite unsuccessful in the past going on a calorie deficit with no weight loss. So this time I want to do it right and thought that the unsuccessful attempt earlier could be due to my diet because I consume quite a high carb diet at the moment. White bread, noodles, rice are…
  • Another hypothetical question. What happens if there is no calories deficit but the calories are now turned into a high protein low carb diet, does weight loss still happen or what will happen with this approach?
  • Thank you all your extremely valued opinions. I can now safely continue on my walking journey without the fear of getting to zero weight. Lol. Anyway I will try to come in here from time to time to report on my journey. This community is awesome!
  • Very well explained. Thank you!
  • Thanks for all the insightful comments. Another hypothetical question: I am at my ideal weight right now of 70kg and I don’t want to lose weight. However my body structure is not ideal which is more fat than muscle. So how do I maintain that weight but change my body into more muscle? I know resistance training will…
  • So it means my initial 90 minutes of walking to burn off 300 calories will now burn less?