siberiantarragon Member


  • Yeah I see what you mean. This can be dependent on where you live though. I live in an area where alternative lifestyles are more accepted, but also pretty much everyone is expected to be a workaholic. However I also have always marched to the beat of my own drummer and been at odds with most people in terms of my opinions…
  • I guess, but my counterpoint to that is: a) We created this lifestyle in the first place. For example the average American house is 2600 square feet, that requires a lot of money to buy and for upkeep. The houses didn't need to be that big, but that is what people wanted. We don't need a lot of stuff we buy yet we choose…
  • While "cheating" is not the right word to use, there's certainly something to be said for certain psychiatric (or any) drugs just being a band-aid or causing more problems than they solve via side effects. I totally agree with this. Unfortunately I think Big Pharma has caused a lot of this attitude. For example the whole…
  • Trying to eat clean(er) this week after a very unhealthy weekend. This is what I ate today, not perfect but definitely on the right track, especially because I wasn't home for most of the day. Breakfast: Bob's Red Mill buckwheat hot cereal with black pepper, paprika, everything bagel seasoning, and nutritional yeast,…
  • Thanks for the recommendation, will definitely check out her channel!
  • Update: the Heady Topper on Friday was just as good as the ones I had in Vermont in July. So I guess it stays good for a while if you keep it cold. However I got overly drunk from it and slightly dissociated and I ended up napping for three hours which was not in the plan. Plus it's 320 calories a can which totally screwed…
  • Anyway getting away from vegetarian conspiracies or whatever, my question for carnivores is, is it really worth it to not enjoy such a fundamental aspect of the human experience? I mean, meat is so boring. You can't enjoy the cuisines of the world, you can't go out to a restaurant (except for a steakhouse I guess, but even…
  • Both the figures you posted are misleading. The first figure only shows beef and chicken. The second figure talks about meat consumption as a factor of calories. Types and cuts of meat vary a lot in calories and if people are eating less red meat and more poultry you would assume that total calories would go down even if…
  • I'm another person who is always prepared for disaster. I always carry QuikClot and a tampon (which can be used for bullet wounds), even when I go out with just a small purse. You never know when you might need it especially because I'm out late in NYC sometimes. My partner was walking through Manhattan at night a few…
  • Today's breakfast: avocado toast on everything bagel with black pepper, paprika, nutritional yeast, and red onion (the red onion is a great addition BTW, totally recommend). Two sunny side up eggs, smoky bacon flavored tempeh, blueberries, and Dunkin Donuts unsweetened iced tea.
  • Nope, you said "remove meat from the diet." If you can find any sources indicating US meat consumption has gone down in the past few decades post them here.
  • Sleep in the living room. Seriously. My partner and I live in a one-bedroom apartment and that was the only solution to the issue. Even with earplugs I could hear the snoring. We both sleep a lot better now because he is an extremely light sleeper and any time I made the slightest motion or noise he would wake up.
  • Which is why you're freaking out over some supposed government conspiracy "to remove meat from the diet." Yeah the government definitely is trying "to remove meat from the diet," that's why meat consumption per capita in the U.S. increased by 40% between 1961 and 2017.
  • Yes, I'm sure the country with the highest meat consumption per capita is in danger of becoming totally vegetarian.
  • This is such a good comparison. Another way it's like keto is that it's an example of correlation not equaling causation. The part of EMDR that studies find to potentially be effective is the exposure therapy part, which you can get with any therapy. The eye movements don't actually do anything. Whereas with keto, any diet…
  • I found a whole thread on a PTSD forum where dozens of people were talking about how EMDR made them worse, even to the point where they harmed themselves, and their experiences were minimized and dismissed by the practitioners who did EMDR with them. Very cult like and disturbing, IMO. Hmm interesting. What kind of…
  • Added you! The original intent when I started MFP again was to eat a low-glycemic diet to manage PCOS because I had good results with that last summer. My acne cleared up and even my periods were less horrible. However that has been sort of a failure because a lot has been going on the past several weeks. Hoping to get…
  • I wouldn't say "cheating" in any case but I don't think they should be prescribed unless the person is obese or has health conditions associated with weight. These stories of celebrities using them to lose weight before an event piss me off because you know there are people out there who actually need these drugs and can't…
  • Well, unless you've read Francine Shapiro's book, you don't have to undermine my experience of reading it and deciding EMDR is a load of BS that was designed more to promote the ego of the person who created it than to actually treat anything. If you read it you'll see what I mean, there's some major narcissist vibes…
  • Not sure if you are open to prescription medication but I have a lot of insomnia problems and I was recently prescribed hydroxyzine and it really helps. I take it and within 15 minutes I can barely keep my eyes open and I have a great night's sleep. Anyway kind of an alcohol update. I'm not exactly in the same situation as…
  • Today's breakfast: two sunny side up eggs, smoky bacon flavored tempeh, everything bagel with butter, blueberries, Chobani coconut-flavored yogurt, iced tea. Today's dinner: pasta salad with tri-color rotini, chickpeas, tomato, red bell pepper, cucumber, coleslaw blend greens, red onion, grated Parmesan, apple cider…
  • Got a smoothie bowl from Playa Bowls today which I do every few months or so. This one has a pitaya base (pitaya, banana, pineapple, coconut milk, and I also got vanilla protein powder added in) with strawberries, blueberries, granola, and honey. Although it's expensive which is why I don't get it too often, I think it's a…
  • Just finished Snow Crash a few days ago. I have mixed feelings about it. There was a lot that was scientifically inaccurate and sloppily written about it, and I also felt the author had an elitist perspective (which he does in real life apparently). But it was entertaining and it's a book that was very important in the…
  • Don't have an opinion on Campbell because I haven't watched much of him but just want to point out that anyone who isn't far left is accused of being "far right." People accused me of being a "far right conspiracy theorist" in 2020 when I said that lockdowns were going to cause an increase in cancer deaths, suicides,…
  • Forgot to post here from Friday night, made a giant "use up all the old vegetables in the fridge" curry. It had cauliflower, grape tomatoes, spring mix, onion, tofu, cashews, pistachios, and of course curry powder and garam masala. And it's over brown rice, which you can't see in the picture. I usually put some plain…
  • It probably has to do with the sodium content. The only time I've noticed this is last summer I unintentionally lost weight while trying out a low-glycemic diet for PCOS, because I was eating a lot of nuts and I really don't digest nuts at all.
  • My partner and I have been really into scam documentaries lately. We watched that Madoff one, the Hollywood Bling Ring one, Hunt for the Crypto King one, and now we're watching the GameStop one on Netflix.
  • The best Breaking Benjamin album, IMO.
  • One hour of vaporwave with capybaras:
  • I hope so. My psychiatrist told me she thinks I will be better within a year based on what she's seen with other patients. I really hope so because I've been dealing with mental health stuff since childhood and it's just tiring at this point. It's also stolen my future and potential from me. And now with dissociation it…