Emheia Member


  • You need to do this for you, not to receive praise or validation from other people - on, or offline. Congratulations on losing the weight, but it sounds like you might need to readjust your attitude about the whole thing, or you're going to have a really hard time continuing when things get tough. You're going to hit…
  • Fell short of my February goal, so hoping to do better this month. Official Start Weight: 326 - 1/7/21 March Start Weight: 310 March Goal Weight: 300 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150ish Mar 1: 310 Mar 8: Mar15: Mar 22: Mar 29: Mar 31:
  • 43, no misses since starting this phase of my journey. I do not remember my highest streak on my old account, it was 200-something.
  • Gross teeth, substance abuse problems/smoking, bad facial hair.
  • What do you like? I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I find the vanilla flavor makes it taste kind of like real milk, and whatever I'm using milk for usually has it's own sweetener already. I've never missed the extra sugar. Other milks, and especially real milk have more nutrients, but I like almond milk for the low…
  • They're not for me, and I've seen them end badly WAY more times than I've seen them succeed. That goes for all open relationships, not just marriages. I think the only way it can really work and be healthy is if the couple both agrees on it being an open relationship from the start of the relationship. If everyone is happy…
  • I can cook dinner without my feet aching or needing to sit down. Probably very small for most, but muscle deterioration is REAL. I love cooking but it's been so miserable because of how weak my ankles were.
  • I like to workout before food because I have a sensitive stomach, and exercising makes me have to "go". Easier to just do it before I eat and avoid the interruption.
  • Howdy all, February is off to a strange start. Ended up being extremely sick for the last week, so I haven't been able to work out as I had been. This is probably going to result in me not quite hitting my February goal, but - oh well. It happens. Anything is better than nothing. Age 24 Height 5'2" SW 325.8lbs - 1/7/2021…
  • I have really stiff shoulders due to a combination of excess weight and a previous injury, so I usually cannot reach behind me (and have to use front closure bras as a result). Unfortunately, my front clasp broke and I had to use a normal bra. I was able to actually take it off by myself for the first time in about a year.…
  • I do partake in Slimfast or protein shakes semi-regularly for a breakfast replacement. HOWEVER, I want to emphasize that I don't do this to lose weight specifically. It is not part of my weight loss "plan". But it IS a zero effort weigh for me to get a little protein into my system on busy mornings where work just can't…
  • You can absolutely eat some meat - and anything else you love. There is no rule that says you have to 100% commit to a specific diet (unless advised by your doctor). I personally LOVE having vegan or vegetarian days/weeks, just because it exposes me to a different type of food than I might normally make otherwise. But you…
  • Been at it for about a month now, would like to have some friends to make logging on be more fun than just logging my measurements and food and logging off.
  • February Start Weight: 316 February Goal Weight: 305 Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 Feb1 : 316.2 Feb 8: 314.8 Feb 15: Feb 22: Feb 28: Been having some stagnation the past few days - a lot of ups and downs. Seeing the weekly comparison and being more or less on track helps! Hoping to get down to 305ish this month so I can break…
  • 24, CW 314 GW 140ish.
  • Where do you feel the best? Where do you feel the most confident? There are numbers and charts as guidance, but the truth is that an "ideal" BMI looks different on every person, and it might not be the best for everyone. If you're healthy and happy, you're in a good place.
  • Getting back into the 200s in a few pounds. COVID was not kind to me.
  • I've been on a real salad kick the last week or so. At least one meal a day is some kind of salad. Spicy quinoa with tomatos/red onions/black beans for dinner tonight. Tastes kind of like a taco but without meat.
  • I generally log mine as I am cooking, or as I am planning my order if I am eating out/takeout/etc. I like to know what a meal looks like in numbers before I eat it so I can make adjustments and plan the rest of the day accordingly.
  • Hello! I weigh in daily, but will try to check in here weekly on Fridays. Age: Almost 25 Height: 5'2" SW: 325 CW: 321 I started this phase of my journey on January 7th 2021, so I've really just begun. This isn't my first rodeo, though. I lost around 60 pounds a few years back using MFP, and unfortunately gained it back and…
  • It was a series of events. I've always been heavy, and I've lost a lot of weight before (but unfortunately regained). Despite being heavy, I've never had noticeable PROBLEMS from it (probably because I'm young). During COVID and WFH, I started moving less and less, and my body started becoming so stiff. I couldn't bend…
  • Howdy! Starting weight: 325 Goal weight: 150 Current weight: 321 Total weight lost: 4lbs This week's successes: Eating better, exercising daily, met/exceeded my 2lb weekly goal. This week's challenges: Having honest conversations with myself about whether or not I'm actually hungry when cravings hit. Personal Milestone…