What's the other half like
You took your time with the call
Thank you 😊
Arms look great as does the rest 😊
Came 3rd, invite to British final and world qualifier. Done 2 shows this month, 2 finals to attend. Can't believe it honestly
A marrabooboo
Is there a grandad bod thread
Awwwww 🙏🙏🙏
Lovely picture ☺️
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Where's autocorrect when you need it huh 🤣🤣
I'm glad you said forehead☺️☺️
Great pic
So jealous of her lovely hair
At my age 🤣🤣
Why have I always got to try things first... (Guinea pig)
Bikini queen
I have