andream1004 Member


  • I will definitely increase the calories slowly and start with the resistance training as well. Thank you!
  • I’m 5’7”, currently 148.4 lb and 43 years old. I work in front of a computer all day. Try to get in at least 20 mins of weight lifting or elliptical through the week. I was around 138 lbs and an antidepressant I was put on caused severe weight gain. That was back in April 2019. Gained 20 lbs and couldn’t get more than a…
  • I sure will. I’m going to continue to eat healthy and stay under 1500 calories for the next few weeks and see how it goes. Might stay away from the scale as least for the next week.
  • Thank you, I will do that. Thanks everyone for responding. The past week has definitely been scary.
  • They told me to do a steak day (no breakfast or lunch) only water and coffee all day and then eat a large steak and apple for dinner anytime my weight goes 2lbs or higher than my last weigh in weight. I’m done with that nonsense. Healthy eating from here on out.
  • It was through a medical weight loss spa. Pretty sure I got suckered falling for the hype of guaranteed quick weight loss. My weight was 145.2 at the end of the 500 calorie days and a week later of eating under 1200 calories is already back up to 148.8