Cspartz1 Member


  • It’s a struggle but we are going to get there together 😊.
  • Oh yes I lost 40 pounds tracking my food. I kept it off for about 4 years so I thought I could stop tracking. Sure enough a couple months after not tracking the weight crept back on. Now I’m up to 182 I have about 40 pounds I would like to lose
  • I’m desperate to lose weight I need to loose 40 pounds and I don’t want to kill myself soing it
  • Hi my name is Christina I was with Sparkpeople for 10 years. I lost weight and was able to keep it off. I had my son in 2014 and I can not find a weight loose community where I feel like family like I did there. I need to loose this weight I have about 40 pounds to loose I don’t feel good in my skin or the way I look in my…