My lil homie 😌
Been on a mexican food kick lately...for about the last 2 months 🤔 Have embraced it to the full extent
Nice job brotha! Im a new dad and finding time is definitely rough, but if its important enough, youll make it happen. Keep on lifting and remember that nutrition is more than 1/2 the battle 😁
Have sciatica as well Need to stay on top of stretching not only once youre in pain, but more importantly beforehand/daily The Weather affects mine the most The rain and cold get me good lol
Hey all, Anyone here involved/ interested in power lifting regiments? Trying to figure out a good rep scheme for determining 1 or 3RMs Been doing a warmup then 10,8,6,3,1,1,1...and so on based on % Rest increasing as reps decrease Current squat 1rm @ 480 Goal of 600 by 2022 Thankssssss
Anyone here involved/ interested in power lifting regiments? Trying to figure out a good rep scheme for determining 1 or 3RMs Been doing a warmup then 10,8,6,3,1,1,1...and so on based on % Rest increasing as reps decrease Can post some squats Saturday since this IS form discussion. Current squat 1rm @ 480 Goal of 600 by…