dralicephd Member


  • Wow! 11 pounds!!?!?!? That's nuts! I hope you recover and feel better quickly. :)
  • Just trying to get back to a normal routine of working out. I was sick for a few weeks and fell out of the habit. I'm currently clawing my way back to the routine. Thanksgiving didn't help, but that's ok, I'll get there. On the plus side, I have maintained my weight during this time. That's a win.
  • Last Sunday: What started as simply weeding the front yard turned into a giant project involving moving rocks for about 3 hours. I was incredibly sore for 2-3 days. :smiley: Wednesday: mowed the yard and field (about an hour of push mowing) Today: Post-Thanksgiving elliptical (45 min.; medium pace for me) followed by…
  • Elliptical yesterday and today... both sessions 30-40min., at a slower pace. Followed today's session with strength training. I'm clearly not where I was for stamina, but at least I didn't have a post-workout coughing fit today. Baby steps....
  • Did a 40 minute, slow, easy walk on the elliptical yesterday and then started coughing again. :( Today I only did about 30 minutes, but closer to my normal pace. I followed this with my typical strength training. I feel ok, but I think it's going to take a bit to get back to an hour at that pace. I guess my lungs aren't…
  • Autumn pool maintenance today. No, not really a workout, but I'm counting it as a physical accomplishment since I've been super sick for about two weeks. I'm finally feeling better enough that I can move around without coughing up half a lung. Tomorrow I'll attempt an easy elliptical workout. Today, scrubbing the…
  • I thought the same thing. How many people were in the study? Age? Men, Women, both?
  • Another day, another 3 miles on the elliptical. :smile: It felt good to move.
  • I haven't posted because I've been away chaperoning a week-long school trip for the kid. It was a great week that included lots of hiking and some tidepooling. That plus wrangling a bunch of kids means I absolutely got my steps in. :smile: To ease back into my normal routine, I mowed the field today and followed that with…
  • Starting to feel better, so another walk on the elliptical! I did an hour at what felt like my normal pace (I wasn't paying close attention.. I was watching YouTube lol). When all was done, I saw that I did keep my HR in the normal zone 2/zone 3 zone, but I had gone further than normal (3.5 mi instead of around 3.2). It's…
  • This last month has seen work stress, exhaustion, and now a nasty cold. All of that has kicked my motivation down a bunch. Despite all of that, I'm still here, logging my food and managing to stay on target most days. Am I where I wanted to be a month ago? No, but the old me would've given up entirely. I'll take it as a…
  • Thanks to my kid (aka school-aged virus incubator), there have been no workouts this week except kleenex lifts to my nose and some core work from coughing. Thankfully it is just a cold. It certainly explains the fatigue I was feeling last week. Hopefully it passes quickly.
  • Still fighting some fatigue, so I skipped the elliptical yesterday. I was just not feeling like working out at all and almost skipped all exercise entirely. Instead, I decided to stick to my lifting schedule and did some strength training. I hope to get out and do my "weekend workout" today (aka mow the field and back…
  • Intended to do an easy elliptical hour today (I'm a little sore from Monday), but then I ended up just doing the same pace as last time. :D It was good to be moving. P.S. Tried out my new air purifier today. Wow, it smells so fresh in the room! Why didn't I get one of those before??? It will be interesting to see how it…
  • I did an hour on the elliptical yesterday. I was very tired, but pushed on and ended up going a little faster than my normal pace. I followed this with some full body super sets. Other than not enough sleep, I feel pretty good this morning. The smoke is gone for now (yay!). In the meantime, I've bought a hepa filter air…
  • Just saying hi. The air quality has been terrible around here (big wildfire nearby). It's been bad enough to effect our home indoor air quality. This really has messed me up for trying to workout lately. I cut my last elliptical session short because I was lightheaded, fatigued, and head achy. The smoke is no joke! Anyway,…
  • Another hour on the elliptical. Pushed the pace today and did 3.5 miles. Yeah, I know, that's a bit on the slow side, but I don't care. It's improvement, and I'm not 25. :D I'm just happy to be getting back to some semblance of a routine after the last couple of weeks of crazy work. Did I mention it's hot? It's hot. It's…
  • @mtaratoot I hope you are recovering well. That's so scary!!! @swimmom_1 I'm sorry to hear about your elliptical problems. I hope you find one soon. I've been super stressed from work for the last 2 weeks and eating and exercise have been, well, shall we say "less than optimal". I haven't quite reverted back to old ways,…
  • I just realized that I can fit into some clothes that are sized medium. What? I can't wrap my mind around that. (Internally, I still scream "vanity sizing!".)
  • What an achievement!! Congratulations to him! I know you know this, but for his benefit (and others reading), he could perhaps do something like just cut 50 calories from his daily allotment. He will likely not notice, but it should result in a super-slow weight loss. I mean, what's the hurry right? If he wants out of the…
  • Had a super stressful work week last week. I exercised, but there was no time for logging it here. The stress led to sleep issues, which means I was TIRED. All workouts suffered a bit, but that's life. Will do an easy paced elliptical session later today, as I'm still sore from yesterday's yard work.
  • Thanks! Just tried on all my pants... I'm comfortably in one size down from where I started. But, yup, waist gaps, fitted in butt and hips, legs are loose (surprised by that!). I'll just adjust my belt and forget about it for now. All the bigger sizes are headed to the donate pile.
  • Ok, I'm back into the swing of things! Now I'm realizing that the weight I've been maintaining has put me slightly between clothing sizes. :neutral: I've decided to cut calories again to try and lose just a few pounds so that my clothes can fit comfortably at the new size. My goal is about 5-ish pounds by Halloween. Slow…
  • To follow up: I ordered the next size down of the same clothes (size Med) and I can fit some of the things perfectly and some of the things fit ok, but are just a tad more snug than I'd like (boobs!). I think I can safely say that I've lost at least a size and a half. :D Also, these are all tops. I haven't hit the world of…
  • Agreed. I've never liked it, but the worst was when I was pregnant. I had such a horrible nausea reaction to the smell, my husband had to make his coffee in the garage!
  • Work clothes are getting too big, so I ordered a bunch of new stuff online a size smaller. Almost the entire order was too big! My initial thought was "vanity sizing!" and maybe there is truth to that. I guess I just didn't think that the 30 pounds I've lost would dump me down 2 sizes. I can't quite wrap my mind around…
  • All yard work, all the time. :smiley: After being on vacation for a couple of weeks, the place is a mess of overgrown everything. Yesterday I mowed the back field. Today I mowed the back yard and gave a start to the hedge trimming. It's too hot now, so I gave up until tomorrow morning to continue the hedge trimming and…
  • We just came back from a two-week road trip in an RV. Toward the end of the trip, my husband noticed that the bathroom scale was in the bathroom. "You packed the bathroom scale?! WHY?!" "Because I want to keep track of my weight." He just looked at me like I was a crazy. He's probably correct, but the presence of the scale…
  • Trying to get back to my regular routine, now that vacation is over. So it's back to the elliptical: easy 1 hour, 3.3 miles, about half the time in Zone 3.
  • To get out of my vacation mindset! I didn't have an internet connection while gone and that made logging food difficult, so I stopped logging. While I wasn't exactly eating poorly, I wasn't really watching macros either. For me, success in weight loss and maintenance is about hitting my protein target (or I get the…