What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Pull day in the weight room!

    BB Rows
    BB Shrugs
    Machine Rows
    DB Side Bends
    Side Planks
    Preacher Curls

    When I get home, I owe my dog a double-walk to make up for not taking him out yesterday, as there were already groups of Trick-or-Treaters roaming the streets.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Didn't post yesterday: 21-point-something mile bike ride.

    Today, back in 2 seat of the quad, the usual just under 7k distance, with the power 10-15-20 stroke sequences we've been doing lately interspersed.

    Lately, I've been getting weirdly high heart rate readings from my Garmin, while feeling 100% normal and fine. I usually use a chest belt during biking or rowing, including stationary biking where the bike picks up the chest belt directly via ANT+.

    In the past, changing out the chest belt battery has fixed this kind of weirdness. This time it didn't.

    Yesterday, I disconnected the chest belt part way through the ride as an experiment, after seeing heart rate metrics significantly exceed my tested max (when I wasn't even breathing hard, let alone feeling faint, shaky, heart-fluttery, etc.). Today, I went without the chest belt to row, even though I know from sad experience that I get too-low readings when I do that, because there's too much arm flexion.

    I'm going to share the results in a spoiler, because I think they're kind of hilarious.
    Tuesday's bike ride. Bet you can tell where I disconnected the chest belt. My tested max is around 180-181bpm. After the disconnect, the numbers look fairly reasonable, though I think I lost wrist contact a couple of times, maybe.
    Today's row in the quad, with some intense intervals. Pretty darned sure this is not accurate, i.e., lost wrist contact: I was rowing when it thinks my HR was down around 50-52, which is close to my normal resting rate.
    I think it's time for some technology upgrades. 🤣
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    The last few months have been brutal at work with our director stepping down in July and the deputy taking over. I am the CFO and have also been playing defacto deputy and July-Oct are really busy months for me even when I'm just doing one job so I've been kind of out of the game for a few months. My busy season is at an end so I'm hoping to have some more time to work with and get back into some more regular cycling and lifting.

    Today was my first day back to the weight room since late July. I've mostly been going for morning walks these last few months with some cycling or MTB on weekends.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Bike ride, just under 22 miles. Skipped the chest belt, went wrist only, tried to keep wrist position neutral. HR data looks reasonable, mostly. It there were measurement drop-outs, they were short.

    New Garmin (Vivoactive 4) and ANT+ chest belt are supposed to arrive tomorrow afternoon.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Rowed the quad, 2 seat, the usual just under 7k distance.

    Still on wrist HR only . . . Garmin thinks my average HR for the row (43 minutes moving) was 64bpm, and that I burned 57 calories for the whole workout. I. Don't. Think. So. 🤣

    New watch and chest strap arrived today; hoping for more realistic data on the next outing.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Yesterday was chest day in the weight room, a fan favorite!

    Bench press, Incline DB press, decline cable fly, standing OHP, cable pushdowns, cable woodchoppers, Perloff press
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Finishing up week 5 of the 7 week challenge at my gym. The daily grind is taking its toll, but I'm in solid position to win the overall points competition, so I'll keep at it and see where I wind up.

    Near record breaking warmth, so I joined a friend for a couple hours of outdoor riding. We rode in 70 degree temps. It was great! The other guy is a new member of our triathlon club, so I've been assigned to act as a mentor while he gets going in the sport. Today's easy pace and light traffic gave us a chance to chat for several hours. Nothing but fun for me. We covered 35 miles at a a relaxed 15.5mph pace.

    Weather calls for a few more days of Spring like weather, so our regular group will get out for a longer ride on Sunday. That will be both challenging and just as much fun.

  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Autumn pool maintenance today. No, not really a workout, but I'm counting it as a physical accomplishment since I've been super sick for about two weeks. I'm finally feeling better enough that I can move around without coughing up half a lung. Tomorrow I'll attempt an easy elliptical workout. Today, scrubbing the waterline, skimming, and emptying baskets was enough. Baby steps.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Rowed bow in the double, easy pace - double partner just back from extended time off due to respiratory bug (non-Covid) and travel, so we didn't push it. Usual distance. Sensible heart rate readings from the new Garmin.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Record warmth the past few days has been a treat. Four of us rode for a couple hours in 70 degree temps. Covered 35 miles @ 16.3mph pace.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    edited November 2022
    It is a while since I logged. Here is an incomplete update:

    Diving course. It rained heavily; the water was cold; my drysuit leaked. A tiny violin played in the background.

    See Tuesday.

    See Wednesday

    Same as Thursday. On the plus side, my buoyancy was pretty good. (The most advanced skill was launching a DSMB whilst neutrally buoyant, having donated gas to my buddy.)

    Caving. I was in Wales for Bonfire night. We did Tunnel Cave. It was fun; some string descent work at the start led to a slightly hairy free climb and then a very long traverse. We didn't get to the end; some of the group got scared after about 30 minutes' traversing. (The end was a door leading to the show cave, but it is shut now.)

    Around a 4 to 5 hour trip.

    Caving. A short bimble around Cwm Dwr, a crawly cave. It was fun, 3 hour trip. I got stuck briefly in a side hole which would have been a bit of a blunder; a rescue from the same spot last year took 60 hours. It wasn't bad, though, I found I could reverse out quite easily.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Too windy in my judgement for safe late-season rowing (sigh), so I did an easy pace stationary bike piece, easy pace (mostly Z3, rest below; average 91W before the CD), the usual 10k with 3' CD.

    @drmwc: That sounds like a fun week . . . except for those violins. 😉
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Leg Day Monday!

    Squats, BB Step-Ups, BB RDL, Machine Hip Thrust, Seated Calf Raise, Cable Crunches, Planks
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Did a 40 minute, slow, easy walk on the elliptical yesterday and then started coughing again. :(

    Today I only did about 30 minutes, but closer to my normal pace. I followed this with my typical strength training. I feel ok, but I think it's going to take a bit to get back to an hour at that pace. I guess my lungs aren't fully healed yet. Stupid viruses.... (No, I didn't have covid. It's just cold and flu season in the N. Hemisphere. Yay?)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Crazy, crazy day! I'm on vacation. Had a not totally perfect night in a chalet on a camping on a Waddensea island as the bed was too hard. Grabbed a granny bike from the shed, cycled 5.5km, gave up due to lower back hurting from upright sitting position, wrists from too high bar, and basically the strong wind didn't make it fun to cycle on such a heavy thing. Rented e-bike and raced over island at around 23-25kmh (ebikes don't offer support past 25kmh here) with minimal support. Have to say this felt very similar to being out and about with my racebike, if it wasn't for the ease with which I'd get up small inclines and when cycling against the strong wind. I still prefer my racebike. Did about 30km, picked up rubbish bike, cycled back to chalet against the wind. Ate all the food! Relaxed a bit. Ran 6km, still with strong winds. So nice to finally run in a totally flat landscape again, but the wind is no fun. Ate all the food that was still left :D Very, very active day. I might do something similar tomorrow. Lets see.
  • rnmcglass
    rnmcglass Posts: 9 Member
    I'm late to the Chloe Ting hype but today I completed day 2 of a 28 day challenge in an effort to get myself back into strength training and working out regularly.

    Arms & chest focused
    42 minutes
    283 calories burned
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Another stationary bike day at easy/moderate pace, 91W average on the 10k, 74W on the 3' CD, more Z2 than Z3, HR topped out below 75%. Hey, at least I did something. :D
  • scubachris252
    scubachris252 Posts: 1 Member
    Leg and core day - leg curls, extensions, presses, calf raises, front and side planks, standing kettlebell oblique (crunch?), 35 min on adaptive motion trainer, 30 min shooting baskets.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    Pull Day

    Pullups, Cable Row, Pulldowns, DB Shrugs, DB Side Bends, Side Planks, Preacher Curls
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    Climbing. 2.5 hour session. I was in mixed form, lacking a bit of power. My technique (blame it on Ice Cube) was good on slab, though. So I did well on slab and poorly on overhangs.

    Day off, although I got a 10 mile walk in the evening.