

  • 40 poundsis a goal---but I don't want to concentrate on the goal number---it always seem so far away. I like working towards the 0's and 5's ---160 to 155 to 150 to 145 :tongue:
  • 51 and looking at another b-day tomorrow :) ! I think it's harder for me because now I have body parts that are not as forgiving as they used to be-- I walk but I used to be a lot more active. It doesn't help that I have a desk job either-
  • The first few days are def the hardest. My center said it was okay to add an additonal medifast meal---that worked for me. I added a soup ---hot liquids may make you feel full longer, the soup requires more water in prep so it looks like a normal meal, and add the medifast crackers (counts as snack). Adding more cups of…
    in Day 1 Comment by e2b130 November 2012