@dooleyfoursome Never too late! You are invited to Shape Shifters. Please follow the link and join your team as soon as possible. @gouldsgranite
@baodell17724 you are invited to Tenacious GR8TERS. Please follow the link and join your team as soon as possible. @Yiche912 @arlene_dallas1 You are invited to Red Hots. Please follow the link below and join your team as soon asโฆ
@gouldsgranite Beachbebe is not a member of the Community. I will send her a friend request and see what happens. I see that Mindovercakes (I love that name) has joined you.
I chose Journaling as my focus for the eight weeks. Writing helps me understand myself and why I do things that mess with the flow of my routine. When I first got sick, I spent lots of time reading my journals from the 80's and 90's. It was amazing to go back and read what I had written.
@thrivingnourishedme In a few days there will be a discussion up for sharing about water. I hope you will post this to that topic and also on your team page.
@DecryingShame @nancyinmiami You are both invited to Tenacious GR8TERS. Please follow the link and join your team as soon as possible. @Yiche912
@Yiche912 If you scroll up you will see that you were tagged when I sent the link to the team. There are also 2 members outstanding the last time I checked.
@cyndiemi you are invited to Thinner Winners. Please follow the link and join your team as soon as possible. @LAANNE5 @dilberta
@thrivingnourishedme You are invited to Tenacious GR8TERS. Please follow the link and join your team as soon as possible. @Yiche912
@mindovercakes, I apologize for sending you the wrong invitation. Please accept your invitation to Shape Shifters. @gouldsgranite
@CeanaAnoriel You are invited to the Red Hots. Please click the link and join your team as soon as possible. @bbonet3
I think you clicked the tag. click on the member's picture.
@GetFit1900 you are invited to Tenacious GR8TERS. Please click the link and join your team as soon as possible. @Yiche912
@Sparkuvu You are invited to Positively Strong 4 Life! Please click the link and join your team as soon as possible. @EclipsedAgain
@smdandurand924 You are invited to Shape Shifters. Please click the link and join your team as soon as possible. @gouldsgranite
@smexy_potato You are invited to Tenacious GR8TERS. Please click the link below and join your team as soon as possible. @Yiche912
Thank you to everyone who has commented on this feed! The more exposure it gets, the more it helps our "bragging rights" to attract new members. Please follow the link and add your success story. Let's keep this post at the top of the category!โฆ
@marz1pan I sent you a new invitation to Red Hots. Please join as soon as you can. @bbonet3
@angiep010 @Limsha2 You have both been invited to Tenacious GR8TERS. Here is the link. Please join your team as soon as possible. @Yiche912
@diamonds1202 Please post your numbers on your team page. Thanks!
I wrote a new blog titled Day One! The First Day of the Rest of Your Life! It May be a Cliche, But...Some Things Are Hard to Change
@DrewsAnna This is the Community Team. You meet the cheerleaders on the team you are racing with. You are a Rain Dancer. I'm glad you returned to the challenge, and I am rooting for you to get those freggies in. Please also post on your team page to get the points for your team.โฆ
@CarolMcT @turkeylurkey47 You both have invitations to Rain Dancers waiting for you at the link below.
@CarolMcT I've sent you an invitation to Rain Dancers. Please join the team as soon as possible. Here is the link. @TEXASTITCHER
@turkeylurkey47 You have been invited to Rain Dancers. Please join your team as soon as possible. @TEXASTITCHER
@Stuv46 I sent you an invitation to Rain Dancers. Please join your team as soon as possible. @TEXASTITCHER
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