NancyAnne52 Member


  • Swedish Death Cleaning.... I'm not sure that sounds like something I have time for. :D I wanted to join this challenge because the timing finally feels right. I'd love to actually lose 5% of my current weight in a sane way. That sounds like a lofty goal to me in 8 weeks. But I can't know if it's possible if I don't try.…
  • What do you like to be called? Nancy Anne How did you learn about the 5% Challenges? From Retired Sue How many 5% Challenges have you done? This is my first. What do you like to do for fun? Bake sourdough, sing, and sew. What major city do you live in or near? State? Tell us a bit about where you live. We are just south of…
  • I'd like to be on Fit Force as well! Thank you!
    in Fit Force Comment by NancyAnne52 June 8
  • Me, too! I'm in my mid 50's and have about 20 pounds to lose (again). I'm a weight lifter and former personal trainer. You'd think this wouldn't be a problem...... Would love to find someone compatible to buddy up with for (quick) check-ins and accountability.